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[[Category:Islam Critics|Nasreen, Taslima]]
[[Category:Islam Critics|Nasreen, Taslima]]

Revision as of 02:45, 9 September 2015

Taslima Nasreen is an author who describes herself as a 'secular humanist, feminist and physician'.

In August 2015 in response to Europe's refugee crisis she tweeted a range of anti-Muslim statements, including:

'In the past Muslims invaded countries by swords, now they invade with large population.
Europe was the safest place on Earth. When we atheists wre threatened by Islamists,we cld take shelter in Europe. It won't be possible anymore'
I hope I won't be alive when Europe introduces sharia law. [1]



  1. @taslimanasreen, Twitter, 9 September 2015, accessed 9 September 2015