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===Clerical Officer===
===Clerical Officer===
Miss [[Julianne Black]]
Miss [[Julianne Black]]

Latest revision as of 22:59, 10 November 2008



Three vacancies, filled by:



Principals and Vice-Chancellors of the Universities of Scotland

Aberdeen University - Professor C Duncan Rice MA PhD FRSE Abertay Dundee University - Professor Bernard King MSc PhD CIMgt FIWSc CBiol FIBiol Dundee University - Professor Sir Alan Langlands KCB BSc HonDUniv FRCP FIA FRCGP Edinburgh University - Professor Timothy M M O'Shea BSc PhD Glasgow University - Sir Muir Russell BSc Glasgow Caledonian University - Dr Ian A Johnston CB BSc PhD CIMgt FIPD Heriot-Watt University - Professor John S Archer BSc PhD FREng FRSE Napier University - Professor Joan Stringer CBE BA PhD DLitt FRSA FRSE Paisley University - Professor John Macklin BA PhD Robert Gordon University - Professor William Stevely BSc DPhil DipEd FIBiol St Andrews University - Dr Brian Lang MA PhD FLA Stirling University - (Acting Principal), Professor Christine Hallett, MA PhD FRSEd Strathclyde University - Professor Andrew Hamnett BA DPhil FRSChem

The First Minister*, Scottish Executive

Assessor for the First Minister - vacancy

The Lord Provosts of Edinburgh and Glasgow

  • The First Minister replaced the Secretary of State for Scotland as a consequence of devolution in Scotland and from the inception of the Scotland Act.


  • Professor Sir David Edward - Chairman
  • Lady Balfour of Burleigh
  • Professor Ewan Brown
  • Lord Cameron of Lochbroom
  • Dr Calum A MacLeod - representing the Investment Committee
  • The Principals and Vice-Chancellors of the Universities of Scotland

Voting power exercised by The Principals and Vice-Chancellors of Edinburgh, Glasgow, Glasgow Caledonian, and Heriot Watt from February 2003 to January 2005


  • Dr Calum A MacLeod - Chairman
  • Professor Ewan Brown
  • David J Kirkpatrick BSc FFA
  • David C Ritchie BSc FFA
  • Edward A W Tulloch BSc
  • Maxwell C B Ward MA

Secretary and Treasurer

  • Sir John P Arbuthnott ScD FIBiol FRCPath FRSE HonFRCPS(Glasgow)

Assistant Secretary

Miss Jackie Gray


Miss Kate Ellis BSc FCA

Clerical Officer

Miss Julianne Black