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'''The In Campaign''' is one of the key groups campaigning to persuade people to continue Britain's EU membership when voting in the referendum, scheduled for 23 July 2016.
#redirect [[Britain Stronger in Europe]]
*[[David Sainsbury]] - £1,614,454.00 (28/04/2016)<ref name="EC">Electoral Commission, [http://search.electoralcommission.org.uk/Search/Donations?currentPage=1&rows=10&sort=Value&order=desc&tab=1&open=filter&et=perpar&date=Reported&from=2016-04-01&to=2016-05-03&prePoll=true&postPoll=false&optCols=AccountingUnitsAsCentralParty&optCols=IsSponsorship&optCols=RegulatedDoneeType&optCols=CompanyRegistrationNumber&optCols=Postcode&optCols=NatureOfDonation&optCols=PurposeOfVisit&optCols=DonationAction&optCols=ReportedDate&optCols=IsReportedPrePoll&optCols=ReportingPeriodName&optCols=IsBequest&optCols=IsAggregation The In Campaign Donor Search], accessed 12 May 2016</ref>
*[[David Sainsbury]] - £750,000 <ref name="EC"/>
*[[David Harding]] - £750,000 <ref name="EC"/> (28/04/2016)
*[[Lloyd Dorfman]] - £500,000 (28/04/2016) <ref name="EC"/>
*[[Anna Rausing]] - £250,000 (28/04/2016) <ref name="EC"/>
*[[The Tower Limited Company]] - £500,000 (28/04/2016) <ref name="EC"/>
*[[Bloomberg Tradebook Europe Ltd]] - £250,000 (28/04/2016) <ref name="EC"/>
*[[Grovepoint Capital]] LLP - £250,000 (28/04/2016) <ref name="EC"/>
*[[Morgan & Stanley Co. International]] - £250,000 (28/04/2016) <ref name="EC"/>
*[[Citigroup Partners]] - £250,000 (28/04/2016) <ref name="EC"/>

Latest revision as of 08:41, 16 May 2016