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[http://www.seap.eu.org/index.php SEAP] is an organisation which lobbies against the regulation of lobbying. It has around 140 individual members from lobbying consultancies,
[http://www.seap.eu.org/index.php SEAP] is a lobbyists lobbying organisation which lobbies against the regulation of lobbying.  
corporations and corporate lobbying groups.
SEAP was established 'in 1997 to represent all those individuals active in European affairs - trade associations; corporate representatives; consultants; lawyers; non-governmental organisations; regional representatives and others - to encourage the highest standards of professionalism for European affairs activity and promote self regulation of the profession. SEAP now has over 260 individual members each of whom are signatories to the SEAP Code of Conduct.'<ref>SEAP [http://www.seap.be/html/about.html About SEAP], accessed 8 September 2009</ref>
It has been active in early 2005 attempting to resist regulation of lobbying in the EU.
SEAP lists its 'objectives' as follows:
* To establish an open non-profit making organisation of European affairs professionals dealing with the European institutions;
* To comply with its code of conduct which is designed to promote ethical standards in the professional conduct of SEAP members;
* To create a network of members and to advise on the correct procedures governing access to the premises, members and officials of the European institutions;
* To establish and maintain a dialogue between SEAP members and the European Institutions with a view to finding pragmatic solutions to questions arising between them,  including the effects of the internal regulations of the Institutions;
* To investigate and promote with the institutions measures to improve efficiency in the access and exchange of essential information;
* To provide a forum for meetings, seminars and other events dedicated to the enhancement of relations between SEAP members and the European institutions.<ref>SEAP [http://www.seap.be/html/about.html About SEAP], accessed 8 September 2009</ref>
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Revision as of 12:25, 8 September 2009

Foodspin badge.png This article is part of the Foodspin project of Spinwatch.


Twenty-pound-notes.jpg This article is part of the Lobbying Portal, a sunlight project from Spinwatch.

SEAP is a lobbyists lobbying organisation which lobbies against the regulation of lobbying.


SEAP was established 'in 1997 to represent all those individuals active in European affairs - trade associations; corporate representatives; consultants; lawyers; non-governmental organisations; regional representatives and others - to encourage the highest standards of professionalism for European affairs activity and promote self regulation of the profession. SEAP now has over 260 individual members each of whom are signatories to the SEAP Code of Conduct.'[1]


SEAP lists its 'objectives' as follows:

  • To establish an open non-profit making organisation of European affairs professionals dealing with the European institutions;
  • To comply with its code of conduct which is designed to promote ethical standards in the professional conduct of SEAP members;
  • To create a network of members and to advise on the correct procedures governing access to the premises, members and officials of the European institutions;
  • To establish and maintain a dialogue between SEAP members and the European Institutions with a view to finding pragmatic solutions to questions arising between them, including the effects of the internal regulations of the Institutions;
  • To investigate and promote with the institutions measures to improve efficiency in the access and exchange of essential information;
  • To provide a forum for meetings, seminars and other events dedicated to the enhancement of relations between SEAP members and the European institutions.[2]




Name Organisation Name Organisation
Emiliano Alonso Pelegrin Alonso & Asociados Hanna Anttilainen Herbert Smith
Graham Austin GB at Beckenham Management & Pub. Aff. Consult. Grace Barrasso European Aluminium Association (EAA)
Ross Bartley BIR,EFR & EUROMETREC Julia Bateman Law Societies
Alain Beaumont UNESDA Union of Non-Alc. Beverages Asso. Helen Benson UNESDA Union of Non-Alc. Beverages Asso.
Jimena Bernar Arogena Interel Nathalie Biesel-Wood CMS Bureau Francis Lefebvre
Jean-Louis Bosteels Lawfirm Storrer Richard Boutet FCD Fed. des Entr. du Commerce et de la Distr.
Kevin Bradley ACE Alliance for Beverage Cartons and Environment Maurits Bruggink Laross
Lodewijk Buschkens ICODA-European Affairs Consultancy Julian Carroll EUROPEN
Nathalie Chadeyron Electricite de France Jean-Marie Chandelle CEMBUREAU
Rogier Chorus CERAME UNIE Ignacio Corrochano cbeuropa Consulting
Noël Coupaye Gaz de France Elizabeth Crossick Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer
Georg Danell KREAB Hubert David EURIMA
Angel de Bernardo Euradia International, S.L. Frederic De Hemptinne EUREAU
Yves de Lespinay EULA aisbl Europ. Rodolphe de Looz -Corswarem The Brewers of Europe
Agnès C F de Meester European Dredging Association Ger de Ridder Fellowship of European Broadcasters
Johan de Rycker Raffinerie Tirlemontoise S.A. Bart de Turck U.E.A, Union Europeenne de l Ameublement
Stephane Desselas Athenora Consulting Susanna di Feliciantonio DLA Upstream
Luc Domergue LDC Conseil Kevin Doran British Medical Association
Gaël du Bouëtiez European-Intermediation Jean-Claude Ducatte EPSY-DCM
Bill Duncan ASSURRE Bruno Dupont EURALIA SA
Fiona Durie EUROPEN Derek Earnshaw Ordnance Survey
Valeria Fagone Interel Henrik Fallesen Dansk Industri
Antony Fell EBF Rafael Fernandez Aller ANEFA
Bernard Fierens Gevaert TRACTEBEL Karel Firla Interel EU Pub. Aff. and Corp. Communication
Alexander Fricke Freshfield Bruckhaus Deringer Nadia Fringer Confederation of European Paper Industries
Gloria Galan Ugartemendia DLA Upstream Roy L.Gentry European-American Pub. Aff. & Comm.
John Grayston Eversheds Daniel Guéguen European Training Institute
Lucyna Gutman-Grauer Concept and Research (CO-RE) sprl Sören Haar Euro P.A. GmbH, Brussels Office
Pauliina Hakulinen DLA Upstream Dionne Heijnen Kraft Foods
Saskia Horsch Interel Wills Hughes-Wilson EBE - Emerging Biopharmaceutical Enterprises
Diane Iannucci Polytecna Zeljko Ivancevic Foundation for Economic Interests Promotion www.konfederacija.com
Bernard Jakelic Croatian Employers Association Marko Janhunen UPM-Kymmene Corporation
John Jolliffe Interel Kaija Kainurinne TVO
Jonathan Kapstein LYONDELL Chemical CO Patrik Karlsson DLA Upstream
Daniela Kolb AGEP s.a. Association Management Marika Konings Interel Public Relations and Public Affairs
Maarten Labberton AISE Int. Ass. for Soaps, Detergents & Maint. Prods Michèle Lahaye De Post-La Poste
Andrew Laidlaw The Law Societies Joint Brussels Office Dennis Landsbert-Noon European Voice
Christophe Lecureuil YUM! Restaurants International Cassandra Legrand Interel
Bruno Liebhaberg BEE S.A., Business Environement Europe Fredrik Lofthagen INTEREL Public Relations & Public Affairs
Pierre Longin Longin & Associes Stefan Lorentzson Volvo
Anna Macdougald Anna Macdougald EU Public Affairs Lene Madsen Cabinet Stewart
Afzaal Malik Coca Cola Services SA Vicky Marissen European Training Institute
Jean-Luc Marliere Joaquim Martins Lampreia OMNICONSUL- Consultores em Comunicacao Lda
Francis Mary Bureau Representation Permanente LA POSTE (F) Bettina Meller SEAP
Fredrik Mink BILBO Management Services Jean-Charles Mirgaux C.E.C.E. sprl Cabinet Europ. de Conseils en Entr.
Monica Monaco Visa Europe Patricia Muller SEITA/ALTADIS
Fiona Murray Athronan Associates Anne-Marie Neeteson FAIP, Farm Animal Industrie Platform
Bozidar Novak SPEM Communication Group Helen O Sullivan AGEP s.a. Association Management
Patrick Oliver Governement Relations Europe Accenture Bernhard Oppermann Bundesverband der Deutschen Kalkindustrie
Matthew Orman Interel Gail Orton Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer
June O'Keeffe The Law Society Maarit Palovirta Interel
Tom Parker Interel Russell Patten Grayling SA
Nicholas Phillips Nicholas Phillips Associates Gregoire Poisson European Aggregates Association UEPG
Joanna Przetakiewicz KREAB Frederic Puel FIDAL, Societes d'Avocats
Heidi Ranscombe Edelman Veronique Renard ELECTRABEL S.A.
Michael Renouf Crosby Renouf Olivier Ricard TOTAL SA
Axel Rindborg Interel Nicolas Robin Cabinet Stewart
Martin Saeckl European Affairs Consulting Group sprl Feriel Saouli Interel
Viviana Siclari Cabinet Stewart Pia Skaerbak FIPRA International
Bernard Skalda Skalicky SKALDA Czech Business Center - Denmark Roxane Smyth Cabinet Stewart
Keith Spinks European TRavel Retail Council (ETRC) Stephen Stacey Toyota Motor Europe
Richard Steel Archiméde Kajsa Stenström DLA Upstream
Catherine Stewart Cabinet Stewart Viktor Sundberg Electrolux European Affairs
Dominique Taeymans The Brewers' House Anna Torres Cabinet Stewart
Lyn Trytsman-Gray Kraft Foods Constandinos Tsiourtos European Information Network
Eric Vaes INTERBREW Frederic van Houte CDIV Comite Perm. des Ind. du Verre Europ.
Frank van Oss Concern Philippe van Wassenhove Kraft Foods
Bill Vandaele BVD CONSULTANT Johan Vanhemelrijck European Public Affairs Food and Pharmaceuticals
Peter Vanovertveld Interel Vanya Veras FEAD Eu Fed. of Waste Mangmt and Env. Services
Michael Völzow CEOC aisbl James Wilson Hill & Knowlton International Belgium s.a./n.v.
Simon Wreford-Howard The Vaccine Fund Michelle Wyart-Remy IMA-Europe, Industrial Mineral Association
Theo Zijdenbos Economiesuisse David Zimmer Caobisco

Contact details

Boulevard Saint-Michel 79
B-1040 Brussels
Phone: +32 2 740 29 69
Fax: +32 2 732 51 02
Email: seap AT agep.eu
Web: http://www.seap.eu.org


  1. SEAP About SEAP, accessed 8 September 2009
  2. SEAP About SEAP, accessed 8 September 2009