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*[[Rose de la Pascua]], Managing Director, Cohn & Wolfe Madrid
*[[Rose de la Pascua]], Managing Director, Cohn & Wolfe Madrid
*[[Jonathan Shore]], Managing Director, Cohn & Wolfe London
*[[Jonathan Shore]], Managing Director, Cohn & Wolfe London
*[[Sarah Descher]], account manager, Cohn & Wolfe London
==Dabbling With Fake Blogging==
==Dabbling With Fake Blogging==

Revision as of 20:18, 16 June 2009

Cohn & Wolfe - a subsidiary of WPP - describes itself as a "strategic marketing public relations firm dedicated to creating, building and protecting the world's most prolific brands."[1] It has offices all over the world including UK, US, throughout Europe, Latin America, Middle East, and the Asia Pacific region.

It offers clients 'strategic partnerships' with other WPP companies, including Quinn Gillespie, a lobbying firm.


O'Dwyer's Directory of PR Firms lists CW clients as including: [1]


Senior Management Team

Dabbling With Fake Blogging

Fake blogs - a form of viral marketing in which PR or advertising agencies attempt to generate interest in their client's product by creating a fictional character on the internet - are drawing criticism from real bloggers. The Cohn & Wolfe PR firm had to apologize in 2005 after "using a fictional character to leave a series of thinly veiled advertisements on blogs and other websites. A number of websites were hit last week with messages from Barry Scott," a fictional spokesman for a British household cleaning product.

British blogger Tom Coates was especially outraged and called it "a new low for marketers" after he wrote an emotional account of his relationship with his father, and then received comment spam from "Barry Scott" disguised as condolences. Coates replied: "My view was that any right-thinking person would view trying to market your product on such a post as revolting, corrupt, cynical, disgusting, sick and dishonourable."[2][3][4]

Contact details

Cohn & Wolfe London
7-12 Tavistock Square
Lynton House
London, WC1H 9LT

292 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10017
Phone: 212.798.9700

Web: http://www.cohnwolfe.com



  1. Cohn & Wolfe website
  2. Tom CoatesOn Cillit Bang and a new low for marketers...", Plasticbag.org, September 30, 2005.
  3. An apology from the Cillit Bang team...", Plasticbag.org, October 4, 2005
  4. Bobbie Johnson, "Cleaner caught playing dirty on the net", The Guardian (UK), October 6, 2005