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As of March 2009 the list of people involved in Friends of Europe, as given on the Friends of Europe website,<ref>"[http://www.friendsofeurope.org/Home/tabid/529/Default.aspx Praesidium and Trustees]", Friends of Europe website, accessed March 19 2009</ref> is as follows.
[[Etienne Davignon|Viscount Etienne DAVIGNON]]
[[Etienne Davignon|Viscount Etienne Davignon]]
[[Pat Cox|Pat COX]] | Jean-Luc DEHAENE Baron Daniel JANSSEN
[[Giuliano Amato]] | [[Michel Barnier]] | [[Carl Bildt]] | [[Laurens Jan Brinkhorst]] | [[Pat Cox]] | [[Jean-Luc Dehaene]] | [[Anna Diamantopoulou]] | [[Elisabeth Guigou]]
Pascal LAMY António VITORINO
[[Miguel Angel Aguilar]] | [[Edmond Alphandery]] | [[Giuliano Amato]] | [[Michel Barnier]] Enrique BARON CRESPO Carl BILDT
[[Miguel Angel Aguilar]] | [[Edmond Alphandery]] | [[Giuliano Amato]] | [[Michel Barnier]] Enrique BARON CRESPO Carl BILDT

Revision as of 17:11, 16 March 2009

Friends of Europe is a well-connected lobby group whose Secretary General is lobbyist Giles Merritt. In June 2005 Friends of Europe ran an 'Atlantic Rendez-Vous Satellite Debate' titled 'After the EU-US Summit: Where do we go from here? Wednesday, June 29, 2005 - Brussels/Washington DC'.

The guest list shows the connections of Merritt and Friends of Europe. Of significance is the presence of John Houston of lobby firm Houston Consulting Europe along with several of his financial service clients.


As of March 2009 the list of people involved in Friends of Europe, as given on the Friends of Europe website,[1] is as follows.


Viscount Etienne Davignon


Giuliano Amato | Michel Barnier | Carl Bildt | Laurens Jan Brinkhorst | Pat Cox | Jean-Luc Dehaene | Anna Diamantopoulou | Elisabeth Guigou


Miguel Angel Aguilar | Edmond Alphandery | Giuliano Amato | Michel Barnier Enrique BARON CRESPO Carl BILDT Joachim BITTERLICH Jean-Louis BOURLANGES Laurens Jan BRINKHORST Elmar BROK John BRUTON Günter BURGHARDT Paolo CECCHINI Henning CHRISTOPHERSEN Robert COX Loyola de PALACIO Baron Philippe de SCHOUTHEETE de TERVARENT Yves-Thibault de SILGUY Anna DIAMANTOPOULOU Uffe ELLEMANN-JENSEN Franz FISCHLER Monica FRASSONI Catherine GERNAY Elizabeth GUIGOU Toomas Hendrik Ilves Sandra KALNIETE Wim KOK Horst Günter KRENZLER Vytautas LANDSBERGIS Spiro LATSIS Philippe LEMAITRE Bruno LIEBHABERG Erkki LIIKANEN Robert MANCHIN Peter MANDELSON Erika MANN Stefano MICOSSI John MONKS Mario MONTI Riccardo PERISSICH Alojz PETERLE Paul REVAY Eberhard RHEIN Keith RICHARDSON Michel ROCARD Jacek SARYUSZ-WOLSKI Eduardo SERRA Javier SOLANA Dirk STERCKX Karel VAN MIERT


Giles MERRITT Geert CAMI Nathalie FURRER Catherine GERNAY Philippe LEMAITRE Dominique OSTYN Keith RICHARDSON Heidi VIRONEN


Friends of Europe has two kinds of membership, individual and 'VIP'. VIP members are described as 'partners' and include a range of corporations and neoliberal think tanks from throughout Europe.

As listed on their website:



14:30 - 15:00 Session I: How many EU - US fences still need mending?
15:00 - 16:00 Moderator: Pat Cox & Giles Merritt (Brussels), Esther Brimmer (Washington, DC)
Speakers: Ronald D. Asmus , Executive Director of the Transatlantic Center, Brussels , German Marshall Fund of the United States
Robert A. Bradtke , Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs , US Department of State
Roger Cohen , Journalist , The New York Times
Michael Leigh , Deputy Director General for Europe & Central Asia, Near & Middle East, Southern Mediterranean , European Commission, DG External Relations
Erika Mann , Member, Committee on Industry, Research and Energy , European Parliament
Richard Wright , Director North America , European Commission
Coffee break
16:00 - 16:15

Session II: Does the transatlantic economy need a new US-EU deal on governance? 16:15 - 17:15 Moderator: Pat Cox & Giles Merritt (Brussels), Esther Brimmer (Washington, DC) Speakers: Pervenche Berès , Chairwoman , European Parliament Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs Don Bonker , Executive Vice-President , APCO John Bruton , Head of the Delegation , Delegation of the European Commission to the United States Peter Chase , Director of the Office of European Union and Regional Affairs , U.S.Department of State Matthias Ruete , Director in charge of coordination for competitiveness , European Commission, Directorate General Enterprise and Industry Coffee break 17:15 - 17:30 Session III: How free is the transatlantic market in financial services? 17:30 - 18:30 Moderator: John Houston (Brussels), Esther Brimmer (Washington, DC) Speakers: Paul Arlman , Secretary General , Federation of European Securities Exchanges Don Bonker , Executive Vice-President , APCO Worldwide Wilbur Monroe , Deputy Director of the Office of International Banking and Securities Markets , U.S. Department of the Treasury Ieke van den Burg MEP , Member, Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs , European Parliament David Wright , Director of Financial Markets , European Commission Networking Cocktail 18:30 - 19:30

contact details

Website [2]


  1. "Praesidium and Trustees", Friends of Europe website, accessed March 19 2009