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[[Category:Terrorologist|Chalfont, Alun]]
[[Category:Terrorologist|Chalfont, Alun]]
[[Category:Terrorism Spin|Chalfont, Alun]]

Revision as of 20:18, 1 March 2009

Alun Arthur Gwynne Jones (born 5 December 1919), known as Alun Chalfont or Lord Chalfont is a British politician and right wing operative.

He was a Minister in the Foreign and Commonwealth Office from 1964 to 1970 and appointed to the Privy Council in the former year. He also authored several military history books regarding various subjects, including the Napoleonic Wars.

Having been created Baron Chalfont of Llantaruam in the County of Monmouthshire on 11 November 1964, his life peerage is the most senior extant, and Lord Chalfont is higher in the order of precedence than several hereditary barons whose inherited titles postdate his.

He contributed an article on The Strategic Defence Initiative to the Conservative Monday Club's October 1985 Conservative Party Conference issue of their newspaper, Right Ahead.

Lord Chalfont is a former chairman of the Radio Authority which regulated commercial radio in the UK until its role was absorbed by Ofcom. Lord Chalfont set up the Institute for the Study of Terrorism with Jillian Becker in 1985.


publications, External links, Notes


  • Chalfont, A. (1990) 'Terrorism and International Security' in Y. Alexander and R. Latter (eds) Terrorism and the Media: Dilemmas for Government, Journalists and the Public, Washington:Brassey's

