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Revision as of 18:36, 16 November 2023

is a charity (Charity number: 326480) linked to the Belz movement.



Grants to Individuals

  • 2021 £110,594[1]

Grants to Institutions

  • Belz Communities 30,348
  • TTT 8,150
  • Further Grants 17,205
  • Total Grants to Institutions 55,703
  • Total Grants 166,297[1]


The charity has entered into a joint and several loan agreement together with another charity, Ohr Torah Ltd. The loan was from The Unity Trust bank for an amount of £850,000 and is secured on the assets of Chassidei Belz (Manchester). The purpose of the loan was to fund the the purchase of a school building. Ohr Torah holds title to the school building. The likely financial impact on Chassidei Belz (Manchester) is deemed to be minimal as the trustees are confident that Ohr Torah will continue to generate sufficient income to cover the loan repayments. Furthermore, Unity Trust Bank has secured the loan with a debenture on all Ohr Torah Ltd's assets.[1]

Related parties

During the year aggregate donations totalling £42,033 were received by the charity from trustees and related parties. Included in other debtors are amounts due from the following charities whose trustees are also trustees of this charity or closely related to trustees of this charity;

2021 2020

The above loans are interest free and repayable on demand.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Chassidei Belz (Manchester) Synagogue Account Unaudited Financial Statements 5 April 2021