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The Khodorkovsky Foundation is a UK based grant-giving charity (charity no. 1106885). It supports the Podmoskovny Lyceum, a boarding school for 168 socially deprived children, situated outside of Moscow, Russia, and provides grants for student scholarships in Russia and the UK.  
The Khodorkovsky Foundation is a UK based grant-giving charity (charity no. 1106885) and company (Company number 04988238) associated with the Russian oligarch [[Mikhail Khodorkovsky]]. It supports the Podmoskovny Lyceum, a boarding school for 168 socially deprived children, situated outside of Moscow, Russia, and provides grants for student scholarships in Russia and the UK.  

Latest revision as of 08:44, 5 October 2023

The Khodorkovsky Foundation is a UK based grant-giving charity (charity no. 1106885) and company (Company number 04988238) associated with the Russian oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky. It supports the Podmoskovny Lyceum, a boarding school for 168 socially deprived children, situated outside of Moscow, Russia, and provides grants for student scholarships in Russia and the UK.



Name Role Date of Appointment Other Trusteeships
Pavel Khodorkovskiy Trustee 16 May 2022
Maria Logan Trustee 14 September 2020
Anton Drel Trustee 01 May 2015
Rupert Caldecott Trustee 24 August 2011 Oxford Russia Fund
Alastair Tulloch Trustee 08 December 2003

Grant Recipients

Grant recipients of the Khodorkovsky Foundation in ($) US Dollars
Recipient 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Atlantic College 198,000
Cambridge Commonwealth, European and International Trust 1,833,000 -1,833,000
Centre for Liberal Modernity 431,000
Eastern Europe Research Foundation 2,339,000
Einbahnstrasse Productions 62,000
Hill Foundation 732,000 1,423,000
Imperial College London 56,000
Institute of Modern Russia 450,000
Lantos Foundation 50,000
Merkel Films Ltd 259,000
New Generation Europe Foundation 10,000,000
Oxford Russia Fund 4,183,000 4,232,000 3,789,000 251,000 8,000
Podmoskovny Lyceum - Boarding School 6,253,000 6,293,000 6,474,000 6,402,000
Royal Academy of Music -75,000
Snowstorm Productions Ltd 62,000
Other grants - not disclosed 256,000 246,000 329,000 2,637,000

Data sources:

Contact Information

  • Address: 4 Hill Street, London, W1J 5NE
  • Phone: 02073181180
  • Email: atulloch@atulloch.com
  • Website: No information available
