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#redirect [[Kreab]]
Owned by the giant [[Omnicom]] Group <ref>See [http://www.omnicomgroup.com Omnicom website]</ref>, Kreab Gavin Anderson is a large public relations company with offices in Europe, Asia-Pacific and the US.<ref> [http://www.gavinanderson.com/offices.php ‘Our network’], Gavin Anderson website, accessed November 2008.</ref> Merged with [[Kreab]] in February 2009.<ref>[http://www.kreabgavinanderson.com/Default.aspx?tabid=251 KGA website 'Our History'], accessed July 2009.</ref>
*[[Richard Constant]], President & CEO (based in London).
*Lord [[Peter Truscott]], the ex Labour MEP and former Energy minister, listed in 2008/09 that he was a consultant to Gavin Anderson.<ref>[http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/politics/article3423486.ece ‘Ex-ministers cash in on days of power’], ''Sunday Times'', 24 February 2008.</ref> Truscott was suspended from the House of Lords in May 2009 after they were found guilty of offering to change the law in return for money.<ref>[http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/politics/labour/5357273/Lord-Truscott-and-Lord-Taylor-of-Blackburn-suspended-from-the-House-of-Lords.html], Telegraph, 20 May 2009</ref>
*[[Kate Hill]], Partner, London. "Specialises in energy, industry and natural resources, having spent seven years with Royal Dutch [[Shell]].  She currently advises a wide range of traditional and clean energy clients on all aspects of communications and also has considerable experience of working with Russia-based companies in the energy and financial sectors.<ref>[http://www.kreabgavinanderson.com/Default.aspx?tabid=244 KGA website], accessed July 2009</ref>
*[[Andrew Silverman]], Partner, London. Responsible for public policy and regulatory affairs. Prior to joining the company he worked at senior level in government and the private sector. His career included media roles within the UK government in the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Ministry of Defence, Department of Transport and the Home Office. He was Private Secretary to the Minister without Portfolio, [[Peter Mandelson]]<ref>[http://www.theherald.co.uk/business/news/display.var.1593138.0.silverman_quits_sfe_blaming_ill_health.php]</ref> between 1997 and 1998 then worked as a member of the Strategic Communication Unit at No. 10 Downing Street.<ref>[http://www.kreabgavinanderson.com/Default.aspx?tabid=244 KGA website], accessed July 2009</ref> Ex-[[Brunswick]].<ref>http://www.accaglobal.com/archive/news/general/2330722</ref>
*[[John Houston]], Senior partner based in Brussels. According to Financial News: 'Described by one banking sector public relations professional as the best industry lobbyist in Brussels, Houston used to run his own eponymous consultancy and has worked for most major banks at some point. A former member of the cabinet of the European Commissioner responsible for financial services, he started his consultancy career in the late 1980s in the City of London before moving to Brussels in 1990. <ref>[http://www.efinancialnews.com/story/2010-02-08/some-of-the-top-banking-industry-lobbyists Some of the top banking industry lobbyists], Financial News, 8 Feb 2010, accessed 15 March 2011.</ref>
*[http://www.gavinanderson.com Gavin Anderson] was employed by [[BERR]] to help organise a Nuclear Investors Conference held on 12 June 2008.<ref>Email communication with BERR, 11 November 2008</ref>
*Its energy section is headed by [[Ken Cronin]], former director of investor relations for [[British Energy]].<ref>Ken Cronin’s biography can be read [http://www.gavinanderson.com/people.php?team=management#biog09  here (pdf file)]</ref><ref>[http://www.brandrepublic.com/News/202007/www.prweek.co.uk ‘Gavin Anderson wins Novera task'], ''PR Week'', 13 February 2004.</ref>
Nuclear clients include [[AMEC]] and [[British Energy]] while it was still Government-owned.<ref>‘Two city shops out at British Energy’, PR Week, 25 October 2002, unavailable online</ref><ref>[http://www.brandrepublic.com/News/166319/ ‘AMEC appoints GA after its review of financial comms’], Brand Republic, 6 December 2002.</ref>
[[Category: Nuclear Spin]]
[[Category: Pro-nuclear companies]]

Latest revision as of 21:16, 21 November 2017

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