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Hi Billy, are you in uni today?
Thanks Billly, I just put it on as a html, thanks
Thanks Billly, I just put it on as a html, thanks

Revision as of 14:48, 23 May 2007

Hi Billy, are you in uni today?

Thanks Billly, I just put it on as a html, thanks

HI Billy, Claire Here, hows it going? I am wondering if you could give me a hand, I have uploaded a pdf of Angus Grossart's interests, but I can not seem to get it onto his page or even a link to it on his page, any ideas? I usually bother David with this kind of incompetence but I have a feeling he is away, so I was wondering if you could help me. Thanks Claire

Maybe the Slough stuff on the Nigel Mobbs page should go on the Slough Estates page?

--David 15:42, 19 Feb 2007 (GMT)

Billy: Connection... British Youth Council has George Osborne as hon president and is based in Mezzanine2. Any use?

--David 20:29, 4 Apr 2007 (BST)

Not started any work on The Mezz 2, that seems far off in the future. But the BYC ending up alongside everyone else seems almost scripted. There was an interesting bit on the Smith Institute i meant to put up...