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*Philipp Wittrock, [http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/alternative-for-germany-party-to-challenge-european-common-currency-a-894081.html The Know-It-All Party: Anti-Euro 'Alternative for Germany' Launches], Spiegel Online International, 12 April 2013,
*Harriet Alexander, and Jeevan Vasagar, [http://www.telegraph.co.uk//news/worldnews/europe/germany/9975766/Bernd-Lucke-interview-Why-Germany-has-had-enough-of-the-euro.html Bernd Lucke interview: 'Why Germany has had enough of the euro'], The Telegraph, 7 April 2013</ref>
*Nicholas Kulish and Melissa Eddy, [http://www.nytimes.com/2013/04/15/world/europe/elites-flock-to-anti-euro-party-alternative-for-germany.html?_r=0 German Elites Drawn to Anti-Euro Party, Spelling Trouble for Merkel], New York Times, 14 April 2013.

Revision as of 22:32, 2 February 2015

Alternative for Germany (German: Alternative für Deutschland, Afd), are a ‘fast-growing’ Eurosceptic party.

According to The Independent, one AfD leader, Alexander Gauland, declared the party ‘the natural allies' of the anti-Islam PEGIDA (Patriot Eruropean Against Islamisation of the West) movement and said he would attend a demonstration in December 2014[1]

Another media outlet has suggested that AfD had 'faced internal division after some of its members made overtures to PEGIDA'.[2]


