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[[Category:British Army]][[Category:Parachute Regiment]][[Category:Northern Ireland]][[Category:Saville Inquiry witnesses]]
[[Category:British Army]][[Category:Parachute Regiment]][[Category:Northern Ireland]][[Category:Saville Inquiry witnesses]][[Category:State Violence and Collusion Project]]

Latest revision as of 15:44, 3 September 2012

Private S was a soldier in the Mortar Platoon of Support Company, 1 Battalion, the Parachute Regiment on Bloody Sunday.[1]

The Saville Report states:

Patrick McDaid and Pius McCarron were injured by debris sent flying by shots fired as they were attempting to run away from the south-eastern area of the Rossville Flats car park.
We cannot determine precisely which soldier or soldiers fired these shots beyond saying that it was one or more of Sergeant O, Private R and Private S, all of Mortar Platoon.[2]

The Report goes on to state:

Although he did not aim at Patrick Brolly, Private T of Mortar Platoon was probably responsible for the shot that directly or indirectly injured this casualty, who was in Block 1 of the Rossville Flats. However, we cannot eliminate the possibility that Private S rather than Private T was responsible. Patrick Brolly was injured after Jackie Duddy was shot but before the latter had been carried from the car park.[3]

External Resources


  1. The events of the day, Report of the The Bloody Sunday Inquiry - Volume I - Chapter 3, 2010.
  2. The events of the day, Report of the The Bloody Sunday Inquiry - Volume I - Chapter 3, 2010.
  3. The events of the day, Report of the The Bloody Sunday Inquiry - Volume I - Chapter 3, 2010.