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  212 Nigeria Labour Congress  (NLC) 2,000,000
  212 Nigeria Labour Congress  (NLC) 2,000,000
213 Trade Union Congress of Nigeria  (TUC) 500,000
213 Trade Union Congress of Nigeria  (TUC) 500,000
  214 Confederation of Unions for Professionals (Unio) 288,044
  214 Confederation of Unions for Professionals (Unio) 288,044
215 Confederation of Vocational Unions  (YS) 209,344
215 Confederation of Vocational Unions  (YS) 209,344

Revision as of 12:58, 24 March 2012

The International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) is the main international trade union organisation, representing the interests of working people worldwide. The ITUC was founded at its inaugural Congress in Vienna, Austria, on 1 -3 November 2006. It groups together the former affiliates of the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU) and the World Confederation of Labour (WCL), along with trade union organisations which had no global affiliation. The ICFTU and the WCL dissolved themselves on 31 October 2006, to pave the way for the creation of the ITUC.[1]

Elected Officials (as of March 2012)

Affiliated organisations (February 2011)


  • Confederation of the Trade Unions of Albania (KSSH) 105,000
  • Union of the Independent Trade Unions of Albania 84,000


  • Union Générale des Travailleurs Algériens (UGTA) 1,533,000


  • Central Geral de Sindicatos Independentes e Livres de Angola (CGSILA) 51,000
  • União Nacional dos Trabalhadores de Angola (UNTA-CS) 215,548

Antigua and Barbuda

  • Antigua & Barbuda Public Service Association (ABPSA) 1,000
  • Antigua & Barbuda Workers' Union (ABWU) 3,000


  • Central de los Trabajadores Argentinos (CTA) 600,000
  • Confederación General del Trabajo de la República Argentina (CGT) 4,401,023


10 Federacion di trahadornan di Aruba  (FTA) 2,507


11 Australian Council of Trade Unions  (ACTU) 1,761,400


12 Österreichischer Gewerkschaftsbund  (ÖGB) 1,222,190


13 Azerbaycan Hemkarlar Ittifaqlari Konfederasiyasi (AHIK) 735,000


14 General Federation of Bahrain Trade Unions (GFBTU) 10,000


15 Bangladesh Free Trade Union Congress  (BFTUC) 85,000

16 Bangladesh Jatyatabadi Sramik Dal (BJSD) 180,000 17 Bangladesh Labour Federation (BLF) 102,000 18 Bangladesh Mukto Sramik Federation (BMSF) 204,000 19 Bangladesh Sanjukta Sramik Federation (BSSF) 155,000 20 Jatio Sramik League (JSL) 150,000


21 Barbados Workers' Union  (BWU) 15,000


22 Belarusian Congress of Democratic Trade Unions  9,000



23 Centrale générale des Syndicats libéraux de Belgique  265,000

(CGSLB) 24 Confédération des Syndicats Chrétiens (CSC-ACV) 1,587,123 25 Fédération Générale du Travail de Belgique (FGTB) 1,434,527


26 Confédération des Organisations Syndicales  53,470

Indépendantes du Bénin (COSI) 27 Confédération des Syndicats Autonomes du Bénin 53,000 (CSA) 28 Confédération Générale des Travailleurs du Bénin 51,525 (CGTB) 29 Union Nationale des Syndicats des Travailleurs du 36,000 Bénin (UNSTB)


Bermuda Industrial Union  (BIU) 4,000

31 Bermuda Trade Union Congress (BTUC) 5,000 ===Bonaire=== 32 Federación Boneriana di Trabao (FEDEBON) 500


33 Konfederacija Sindikata Bosne I Hercegovine (KSBiH) 223,000


34 Botswana Federation of Trade Unions  (BFTU) 56,000


35 Central Única dos Trabalhadores  (CUT) 7,464,846

36 Confederação Nacional das Profissões Liberais 260,000 (CNPL) 37 Força Sindical (FS) 2,100,000 38 União Geral dos Trabalhadores (UGT) 1,350,200


39 Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria  220,000

(KNSB) (CITUB) 40 Confederation of Labour PODKREPA (PODKREPA) 153,350

Burkina Faso

41 Confédération Nationale des Travailleurs Burkinabé  10,500

(CNTB) 42 Confédération Syndicale Burkinabé (CSB) 18,986 43 Organisation Nationale des Syndicats Libres (ONSL) 42,500 44 Union Syndicale des Travailleurs du Burkina (USTB) 8,700


45 Federation of Trade Unions - Burma  (FTUB) 10,000

===Burundi=== 46 Confédération des Syndicats du Burundi (COSYBU) 12,000 47 Confédération Syndicale du Burundi (CSB) 5,500


48 Confédération des Syndicats Autonomes du Cameroun  75,000

(CSAC) 49 Confédération Syndicale des Travailleurs du Cameroun 150,000 (CSTC) 50 Unions des Syndicats Libres du Cameroun (USLC) 50,000


51 Canadian Labour Congress / Congrès du Travail du  1,500,000

Canada (CLC-CTC) 52 Centrale des Syndicats Démocratiques (CSD) 72,500 53 Christian Labour Association of Canada (CLAC) 50,985 54 Confédération des Syndicats Nationaux (CSN) 300,000

Cape Verde

55 Confederaçao Caboverdiana dos Sindicatos Livres  19,786

(CCSL) 56 União Nacional dos Trabalhadores de Cabo Verde - 15,000 Central Sindical (UNTC-CS)

Central African Republic

57 Confédération Nationale des Travailleurs Centrafricains 16,000

(CNTC) 58 Confédération Syndicale des Travailleurs de 11,124 Centrafrique (CSTC)


59 Confédération Libre des Travailleurs du  Tchad (CLTT) 42,000

60 Union des Syndicats du Tchad (UST) 55,000


61 Central Autónoma de Trabajadores de Chile (CAT) 107,000

62 Central Unitaria de Trabajadores de Chile (CUT) 400,000 63 Unión Nacional de Trabajadores de Chile (UNT) 92,000


64 Central Unitaria de Trabajadores  (CUT) 510,455

65 Confederación de Trabajadores de Colombia (CTC) 250,000 66 Confederación General del Trabajo (CGT) 700,000


Confédération des Travailleuses et Travailleurs des  5,000

Comores (CTTC)


68 Confédération des Syndicats Libres et Autonomes du  19,000

Congo (COSYLAC) 69 Confédération Syndicale Congolaise (CSC) 25,000 70 Confédération Syndicale des Travailleurs du Congo 69,000 (CSTC)

Congo, Democratic Rep. of

71 Confédération Démocratique du Travail  (CDT) 51,000

72 Confédération Syndicale du Congo (CSC) 390,000 73 Union Nationale des Travailleurs du Congo (UNTC) 51,000

Cook Islands

  • Cook Islands Workers Association Inc. (CIWA) 1,200

Costa Rica

75 Central del Movimiento de Trabajadores Costarricenses 108,000

(CMTC) 76 Confederación de Trabajadores Rerum Novarum 30,000 (CTRN)

Côte d'Ivoire

77 Confédération des syndicats libres de Côte d'Ivoire  120,000

(DIGNITE) 78 Union Générale des Travailleurs de Côte d'Ivoire 208,129 (UGTCI)


Independent Trade Unions of Croatia - Nezavisni  113,598

Hrvatski Sindikati (NHS) 80 Union of Autonomous Trade Unions of Croatia 164,732 (UATUC)


81 Central General di Trahadonan di Corsow  (CGTC) 5,380

82 Sentral di Sindikatonan di Korsou (SSK) 4,000


83 Cyprus Turkish Trade Unions Federation  (TÜRK-SEN) 3,505

84 Cyprus Workers' Confederation (SEK) 64,945 85 Democratic Labour Federation of Cyprus (DEOK) 9,500

Czech Republic

86 Czech-Moravian Confederation of Trade Unions  444,570



87 Akademikernes Centralorganisation  (AC) 147,116

88 Funktionaerernes og Tjenestemaendenes Faellesrad 358,000 (FTF) 89 Landsorganisationen i Danmark (LO) 1,201,272


90 Union Djiboutienne duTravail  (UDT) 13,000


91 Dominica Amalgamated Workers' Union  (DAWU) 2,500

92 Dominica Trade Union (DTU) 820 93 Waterfront & Allied Workers' Union (WAWU) 930 45 Dominican Republic 94 Confederación Autónoma Sindical Clasista (CASC) 172,000 95 Confederación Nacional de Trabajadores Dominicanos 143,000 (CNTD) 96 Confederación Nacional de Unidad Sindical (CNUS) 105,000


97 Central Ecuatoriana de Organizaciones Clasistas  62,500

(CEDOC) 98 Confederación Sindical de Trabajadoras y Trabajadores 110,000 del Ecuador (CSE)

El Salvador

99 Central Autónoma de Trabajadores Salvadoreños 30,000 (CATS)


101 National Confederation of Eritrean Workers (NCEW) 26,000


  • Confederation of Estonian Trade Unions (EAKL) 34,057


103 Confederation of Ethiopian Trade Unions (CETU) 203,560


104 Fiji Trades Union Congress  (FTUC) 33,000


105 Confederation of Unions for Professional and  381,990

Managerial Staff in Finland (AKAVA) 106 Finnish Confederation of Professionals (STTK) 418,000 107 Suomen Ammattiliittojen Keskusjärjestö (SAK) 758,000


108 Confédération Française Démocratique du Travail  814,363

(CFDT) 109 Confédération Française des Travailleurs Chrétiens 140,000 (CFTC) 110 Confédération Générale du Travail (CGT) 660,000 111 Confédération Générale du Travail - Force Ouvrière 800,000 (CGT-FO) 112 Union Interprofessionnelle de la Réunion (UIR-CFDT) 16,000 ===French Polynesia=== 113 Confédération Syndicale A Tia I Mua (TIA) 3,690 ===Gabon=== 114 Confédération Gabonaise des Syndicats Libres (CGSL) 19,000 115 Confédération Syndicale Gabonaise (COSYGA) 22,800 ===Gambia=== 116 Gambia Workers' Confederation (GWC) 52,000


117 Georgian Trade Union Confederation  (GTUC) 235,824


118 Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund  (DGB) 6,000,000


119 Ghana Federation of Labour  (GFL) 48,200

120 Trades Union Congress Ghana (TUC) 275,000

Great Britain


122 Greek General Confederation of Labour  (GSEE) 300,000


123 Grenada Trades' Union Council  (GTUC) 8,000


124 Central General de Trabajadores de Guatemala  60,000

(CGTG) 125 Confederación de Unidad Sindical de Guatemala 30,000 (CUSG) 126 Unión Sindical de Trabajadores de Guatemala 17,500 (UNSITRAGUA) ===Guinea=== 127 Confédération Nationale de Travailleurs de Guinée 100,500 (CNTG) Organisation Nationale des Syndicats Libres de Guinée 43,000 (ONSLG) 129 Union Syndicale des Travailleurs de Guinée (USTG) 41,000 ===Guinea-Bissau=== 130 Union Nationale des Travailleurs de Guinée Bissau 50,000 (UNTGB)


131 Confédération des Travailleurs Haïtiens  (CTH) 65,000

===Honduras=== 132 Central General de Trabajadores (CGT) 250,000 133 Confederación de Trabajadores de Honduras (CTH) 55,000 134 Confederación Unitaria de Trabajadores de Honduras 295,000 (CUTH)

Hong Kong SAR, China

135 Hong Kong and Kowloon Trades Union Council  5,000

(HKTUC) 136 Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions (HKCTU) 170,000 ===Hungary=== Autonomous Trade Union Confederation (ATUC) 116,000 138 Democratic League of Independent Trade Unions 110,000 (LIGA) 139 Magyar Szakszervezetel Orszáagos Szövetsége 400,000 (MSZOSZ) 140 National Federation of Workers' Councils (MOSZ) 45,186


  • 141 Althydusamband Islands (Icelandic Confederation of 109,318

Labour) (ASI) Bandalag Starfsmanna Rikis og Baeja (BSRB) 22,444


143 Hind Mazdoor Sabha  (HMS) 5,788,822

144 Indian National Trade Union Congress (INTUC) 8,200,000 145 Self-Employed Women's Association (SEWA) 1,256,944


146 Confederation of Indonesian Trade Union (CITU)  506,236

(KSPI/CITU) 147 Konfederasi Serikat Buruh Sejahtera Indonesia (KSBSI) 511,000





153 Japanese Trade Union Confederation  (JTUC-Rengo) 6,615,661


  • General Federation of Jordanian Trade Unions 120,000



155 Central Organisation of Trade Unions  (COTU(K)) 234,000


156 Kiribati Trades Union Congress  (KTUC) 2,600

Korea, South

157 Federation of Korean Trade Unions  (FKTU) 878,628

158 Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU) 812,500


159 Bashkimi I Sindikatave të Pavarura të Kosovës (BSPK) 70,486


160 Kuwait Trade Union Federation  (KTUF) 34,274

Latvia, Republic of

161 Free Trade Union Confederation of Latvia  (LBAS) 110,602


162 Liberia Labour Congress  (LLC) 6,000


163 Liechtensteinischer ArbeitnehmerInnen-verband  1,177


Lithuania, Republic of

164 Lithuanian Labour Federation  (LDF) 18,500

165 Lithuanian Trade Union "SOLIDARUMAS" (LPSS) 8,000 166 Lithuanian Trade Union Confederation (LPSK) 60,000


167 Confédération Syndicale Indépendante du Luxembourg  68,475

(OGBL) 168 Lëtzebuerger Chrëschtleche Gewerkschafts-Bond 36,000 (LCGB)

Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Rep. of

169 Union of Independent and Autonomous Trade Unions of  5,300
Macedonia (UNASM)


170 Firaisan’ny Sendikan’ny Mpiasan’ny Madagasikara  25,362

(FI.SE.MA.) 171 Fivondronamben'ny Mpiasa Malagasy Confédération 15,000 des Travailleurs Malgaches (FMM) 172 Sendika Krisitianina Malgasy - Conf. Chrétienne des 32,802 Syndicats Malgaches (SEKRIMA) 173 Union des Syndicats Autonomes du Madagascar (USAM) 4,529


174 Malawi Congress of Trade Unions  (MCTU) 200,000


175 Malaysian Trades Union Congress  (MTUC) 400,000


176 Confédération Syndicale des Travailleurs du Mali  15,010

(CSTM) 177 Union Nationale des Travailleurs du Mali (UNTM) 130,000


178 Confederation of Malta Trade Unions  (CMTU) 30,351

179 General Workers' Union (GWU) 30,000


180 Confédération Générale des Travailleurs de Mauritanie  25,000

(CGTM) 181 Confédération Libre des Travailleurs de Mauritanie 56,000 (CLTM) 182 Confédération Nationale des Travailleurs de Mauritanie 18,500 (CNTM) 183 Union des Travailleurs de Mauritanie (UTM) 28,789


184 Mauritius Labour Congress  (MLC) 10,000

185 Mauritius Trade Union Congress (MTUC) 15,000 186 National Trade Unions Confederation (NTUC) 35,000


187 Confederación de Trabajadores de México  (CTM) 1,500,000

188 Confederación Revolucionaria de Obreros y 1,251,000 Campesinos (CROC) 189 Consejo Nacional de los Trabajadores (CNT) 6,000 190 Unión Nacional de Trabajadores (UNT) 500,000


191 Confederatia Nationala a Sindicatelor din Moldova  450,000



192 Confederation of Mongolian Trade Unions  (CMTU) 450,000

Montenegro, Republic of

193 Confederation of Trade Unions of Montenegro (SSCG) 61,320


194 Confédération Démocratique du Travail  (CDT) 61,500

195 Union Générale des Travailleurs du Maroc (UGTM) 750,550 196 Union Marocaine du Travail (UMT) 320,000


197 Organizaçâo dos Trabalhadores de Moçambique (OTM) 97,305


198 National Union of Namibian Workers  (NUNW) 80,000

199 Trade Union Congress of Namibia (TUCNA) 42,100


200 General Federation of Nepalese Trade Unions  330,619

(GEFONT) 201 Nepal Trade Union Congress-Independent (NTUC-I) 350,000


202 Christelijk Nationaal Vakverbond  (CNV) 336,720

203 Federatie Nederlandse Vakbeweging (FNV) 1,376,000

New Zealand

204 New Zealand Council of Trade Unions  (NZCTU) 200,000


205 Central de Trabajadores de Nicaragua  (CTN) 25,410

206 Central Sandinista de Trabajadores (CST) 40,000 207 Confederación de Unificación Sindical (CUS) 30,000 208 Frente Nacional de los Trabajadores (FNT) 139,300


209 Confédération Démocratique des Travailleurs du Niger  35,000

(CDTN) 210 Confédération Nigérienne du Travail (CNT) 75,000 211 Union des Syndicats des Travailleurs du Niger (USTN) 38,000


212 Nigeria Labour Congress  (NLC) 2,000,000

213 Trade Union Congress of Nigeria (TUC) 500,000


214 Confederation of Unions for Professionals (Unio) 288,044

215 Confederation of Vocational Unions (YS) 209,344 216 Landsorganisasjonen i Norge (LO) 865,573


217 All Pakistan Trade Union Congress  (APTUC) 110,000

218 Pakistan Workers' Federation (PWF) 880,000


219 Palestine General Federation of Trade Unions  318,052



220 Confederación de Trabajadores de la República de  40,000

Panamá (CTRP) 221 Confederación General de Trabajadores de Panamá 53,250 (CGTP) 222 Convergencia Sindical (CS) 33,800


223 Central Nacional de Trabajadores  (CNT) 120,840

224 Central Unitaria de Trabajadores Auténtica (CUT-A) 40,000


225 Central Autónoma de Trabajadores del Perú (CATP) 12,705

226 Central Unitaria de Trabajadores del Perú (CUT) 25,000


227 Federation of Free  Workers  (FFW) 27,078

228 Trade Union Congress of the Philippines (TUCP) 475,000


229 Niezalezny Samorzadny Zwiazek Zawodowy  667,572

"Solidarnosc" (NSZZ) 230 Ogólnopolskie Porozumienie Zwiazków Zawodowych 318,000 (OPZZ)


231 Uniâo Geral de Trabalhadores  (UGT-P) 260,000


232 Blocul National Sindical  (BNS) 150,000

233 Confederatia Nationala Sindicala Cartel Alfa (Cartel 1,000,000 ALFA) 234 Confederatia Sindicatelor Democratice din Romania 101,000 (CSDR) 235 Confederatiei Nationale a Sindicatelor Libere din 520,000 România - C.N.S.L.R.-FRATIA (CNSLR-FRATIA)

Russian Federation

236 Confederation of Labour of Russia  (KTR) 2,100,000

237 Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia 27,800,000 (FNPR)


238 Centrale des Syndicats des Travailleurs du Rwanda  70,000

(CESTRAR) 239 Congrès du Travail et de la Fraternité au Rwanda 15,000 (COTRAF)

Saint Lucia

240 National Workers Union - St. Lucia  (NWU) 3,000

241 St. Lucia Seamen, Waterfront & General Workers' Trade 1,000 Union (SWGWTU)


242 Samoa Trade Union Congress  (STUC) 1,502

San Marino

243 Confederazione Democratica Lavoratori Sammarinesi  5,905

(CDLS) 244 Confederazione Sammarinese del Lavoro (CSDL) 5,000

Sao Tome and Principe

245 Organizaçâo Nacional dos Trabalhadores de São Tomé 3,336

E Principe -Central Sindical (ONTSTP-CS) 246 União Geral de Trabalhadores de São Tomé e Príncipe 7,684 (UGT-STP)


247 Confédération des Syndicats Autonomes du Sénégal  40,000

(CSA) 248 Confédération Nationale des Travailleurs du Sénégal - 13,910 Forces du Changement (CNTS-FC) 249 Confédération Nationale des Travailleurs du Sénégal 64,000 (CNTS) 250 Union Démocratique des Travailleurs du Sénegal 20,000 (UDTS) 251 Union Nationale des Syndicats Autonomes du Sénégal 53,000 (UNSAS)


252 Confederation of Autonomous Trade Unions of Serbia  465,000

(CATUS) 253 Ujedinjeni Granski Sindikati Nezavisnost 158,000 (NEZAVISNOST)

Sierra Leone

254 Central Confederation of Trade Unions  (CCOTU) 8,340

255 Sierra Leone Labour Congress (SLLC) 25,000


256 National Trades Union Congress  (NTUC) 228,432


257 Confederation of Trade Unions of the Slovak Republic  337,600


South Africa

258 Confederation of South African Workers'  Unions  290,000

(CONSAWU) 259 Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) 1,800,000 260 Federation of Unions of South Africa (FEDUSA) 360,000 261 National Council of Trade Unions (NACTU) 310,000 ===Spain=== 262 Confederación Sindical de Comisiones Obreras 1,200,000 (CC.OO.) 263 Euskal Sindikatua ELA (Basque Country) 115,000 264 Unión General de Trabajadores (UGT) 880,000 265 Unión Sindical Obrera (USO) 110,000 ===Sri Lanka=== 266 Ceylon Workers' Congress (CWC) 190,000 267 National Trade Union Federation (NTUF) 400,000 268 National Workers' Congress (NWC) 82,972 269 Sri Lanka Nidahas Sevaka Sangamaya (SLNSS) 68,000


270 Algemeen Verbond van Vakverenigingen in Suriname  5,400

"De Moederbond" (MOEDERBOND) 271 Organisatie van Samenwerkende Autonome Vakbonden 5,000 (OSAV)


272 Swaziland Federation of Labour  (SFL) 10,900

273 Swaziland Federation of Trade Unions (SFTU) 65,000


274 Landsorganisationen i Sverige (LO) 1,564,767 275 Sveriges Akademikers Centralorganisation (SACO) 579,874 276 Tjänstemännens Centralorganisation (TCO) 975,000


277 Schweizerischer Gewerkschaftsbund / Union syndicale  377,327

suisse (SGB)


278 Chinese Federation of Labour  (CFL) 250,000


279 Trade Unions' Congress of Tanzania  (TUCTA) 350,000

280 Zanzibar Trade Union Congress (ZATUC) 15,000


281 Labour Congress of Thailand  (LCT) 25,000

282 National Congress Private Industrial of Employees 150,000 (NCPE) 283 State Enterprises Workers' Relations Confederation 50,000 (SERC) 284 Thai Trade Union Congress (TTUC) 25,000


285 Confédération Nationale des Travailleurs du Togo  55,000

(CNTT) 286 Confédération Syndicale des Travailleurs du Togo 79,172 (CSTT) 287 Union Nationale des Syndicats Indépendants du Togo 8,061 (UNSIT)

Trinidad and Tobago

288 All Trinidad General Workers' Trade Union (ATGWTU) 500

289 National Trade Union Centre of Trinidad and Tobago 45,000 (NATUC)


290 Union Générale Tunisienne du Travail  (UGTT) 517,000


291 Devrimci Isçi Sendikalari Konfederasyonu  (DISK) 30,000

292 Kamu Emekçileri Sendikalari Konfederasyonu (KESK) 200,000 293 Türkiye Hak Isçi Sendikalari Konfederasyonu (HAK-IS) 330,000 294 Türkiye Isçi Sendikalari Konfederasyonu (TÜRK-IS) 820,000


295 National Organisation of Trade Unions  (NOTU) 146,000


296 All-Ukrainian Union of Workers' Solidarity (VOST) 150,000

Confederation of Free Trade Unions of Ukraine (KVPU) 268,000 298 Federation of Trade Unions of Ukraine (FPU) 8,680,000



300 Associazione Dipendenti Laici Vaticani  (ADLV) 320


301 Alianza Sindical Independiente  (ASI) 120,000

302 Confederación de Trabajadores de Venezuela (CTV) 250,000


303 General Federation of Worker's Trade Unions of Yemen  350,000



304 Zambia Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) 350,000


305 Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) 241,998


  1. About Us, International Trade Union Confederation, accessed 24 March 2012.
  2. About Us, International Trade Union Confederation, accessed 24 March 2012.