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*My service Provider is R.C. Wilson, CA, Pritchards, Ayr.
*My service Provider is R.C. Wilson, CA, Pritchards, Ayr.
'''14 July 2008:'''
'''14 July 2008:'''
*In my capacity as President of the Parliamentary Intergroup on Sustainable Development I was provided with air travel to and from Reuniun Island between 9th and 13th July 2008, to address an international conference, under the auspices of the French Presidency, entitled "The EU and its Overseas Entities: Strategies to Counter Climate Change and Biodiversity Loss." My air tickets were paid for by IUCN - the International Union for Conservation of Nature - and their partner sponsors of the conference, including the French Presidency.
*In my capacity as President of the Parliamentary Intergroup on Sustainable Development I was provided with air travel to and from Reunion Island between 9th and 13th July 2008, to address an international conference, under the auspices of the French Presidency, entitled "The EU and its Overseas Entities: Strategies to Counter Climate Change and Biodiversity Loss." My air tickets were paid for by IUCN - the International Union for Conservation of Nature - and their partner sponsors of the conference, including the French Presidency.
*While I was in Reunion Island, a car and driver was placed at my disposal courtesy of the Regional Council.
*While I was in Reunion Island, a car and driver was placed at my disposal courtesy of the Regional Council.
'''16 April 2008:'''
'''16 April 2008:'''

Revision as of 16:22, 6 December 2010

Struan Stevenson, MEP

Struan Stevenson (born 04 April 1948, Ballantrae) is an MEP (1999- ) for Scotland from Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party.[1] Stevenson also co-chairs the Friends of a Free Iran Inter-group in the European Parliament, and has been active in events sponsored by the Iran Policy Committee -- the "group is dedicated to regime change in Iran".[2]

This seasoned political campaigner is a former leader of Kyle and Carrick District Council and also headed the Tory group on the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities.

Stevenson has also served as his party's spokesman for environmental issues, transport, the media, arts, heritage, and tourism.

A former lobbyist, he was one of the directors of the Edinburgh-based PS Communications Ltd. He is also the director of a long established family farming and tourism business in Ayrshire.


Parliamentary Affiliations

23.01.2002 / 19.07.2004 : Committee on Fisheries
30.09.2009 / ... : Delegation for relations with Iraq
09.03.2005 / 14.02.2007 : Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) and European Democrats
15.02.2007 / 13.07.2009 : Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) and European Democrats
20.07.2009 / ... : Committee on Fisheries
20.07.1999 / 07.03.2002 : Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) and European Democrats
21.07.1999 / 14.01.2002 : Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development
06.10.1999 / 14.01.2002 : Delegation for relations with the People's Republic of China
17.01.2002 / 22.01.2002 : Committee on Fisheries
23.01.2002 / 19.07.2004 : Conference of Committee Chairmen
07.02.2002 / 19.07.2004 : Delegation for relations with the People's Republic of China
08.03.2002 / 19.07.2004 : Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) and European Democrats
20.07.2004 / 08.03.2005 : Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) and European Democrats
21.07.2004 / 14.01.2007 : Committee on Fisheries
21.07.2004 / 14.01.2007 : Committee on Employment and Social Affairs
15.09.2004 / 13.07.2009 : Delegation to the EU-Chile Joint Parliamentary Committee
15.01.2007 / 30.01.2007 : Committee on Employment and Social Affairs
15.01.2007 / 30.01.2007 : Committee on Fisheries
31.01.2007 / 11.02.2007 : Committee on Employment and Social Affairs
31.01.2007 / 13.07.2009 : Committee on Fisheries
23.05.2007 / 13.07.2009 : Delegation to the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly
14.07.2009 / ... : European Conservatives and Reformists
16.07.2009 / 19.07.2009 : Committee on Fisheries
16.09.2009 / 29.09.2009 : Delegation for relations with Iraq
30.09.2009 / ... : Conference of Delegation Chairs
21.07.1999 / 14.01.2002 : Committee on Fisheries
21.07.1999 / 29.09.1999 : Committee on Development and Cooperation
17.01.2002 / 19.07.2004 : Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development
22.07.2004 / 14.01.2007 : Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development
15.09.2004 / 13.03.2007 : Delegation for relations with the People's Republic of China
15.01.2007 / 30.01.2007 : Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development
31.01.2007 / 13.07.2009 : Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development
12.02.2007 / 13.07.2009 : Committee on Employment and Social Affairs
14.03.2007 / 13.07.2009 : Delegation for relations with the People's Republic of China
21.07.2009 / ... : Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety
16.09.2009 / ... : Delegation to the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly[5]

Record and Controversies

Declaration of Financial Interests

  • Occasional travel and subsistence/ accommodation expenses met by third parties in association with speaking engagements at conferences, seminars and meetings in my role as an MEP.[6]

Former Declaration of Financial Interests

24 August 2008:

  • I have received a gift of a wool tapestry fro the Kazakh Artist Eduard Kazarian.
  • My service Provider is R.C. Wilson, CA, Pritchards, Ayr.

14 July 2008:

  • In my capacity as President of the Parliamentary Intergroup on Sustainable Development I was provided with air travel to and from Reunion Island between 9th and 13th July 2008, to address an international conference, under the auspices of the French Presidency, entitled "The EU and its Overseas Entities: Strategies to Counter Climate Change and Biodiversity Loss." My air tickets were paid for by IUCN - the International Union for Conservation of Nature - and their partner sponsors of the conference, including the French Presidency.
  • While I was in Reunion Island, a car and driver was placed at my disposal courtesy of the Regional Council.

16 April 2008:

  • I employ a firm of Chartered Accountants as my service provider and they provide me with the services of a full-time parliamentary assistant, two contracted researchers, a contracted Media/PR company to undertake my press output, the part-time services of office receptionists/telephonists, etc. at my Edinburgh office and the periodic employment of ad-hoc researchers, temporary holiday cover, interns, etc. as and when necessary.

12 March 2008:

  • I attended as an invited guest the French Start Business Group Annual Dinner in Edinburgh on Thursday 28th February 2008.
  • I spent from 5th to 7th March in Washington DC as a guest of the Women Freedom Forum, speaking at Congressional Briefings and conducting one-to-one meetings with Congressmen and Senators, discussing Iran. Return flights to Brussels, together with hotel accommodation, meals and transport within Washington DC were all provided.

27 November 2007:

  • Paid functions or Activities: Fees & travel expenses for attending & speaking at occasional seminars, meetings & conferences.
  • Further information: Occasional gifts, hospitality, travel & subsistence costs in connection with parliamentary visits.[7]

Activities: events with the IPC

The Iran Policy Committee is lobbying to confront Iran and obtain "regime change". Part of its activities are coalition building, lobbying for the removal of an Iranian terrorist group from an official U.S. terror list (so that it can then be funded by the U.S.). On 28 July 2006, the IPC met together with European parliamentarians to discuss Iran, and in front of this gathering Stevenson stated:

"Iran is surely the most important issue facing the world today; the mullahs are playing a game with the West; and they are not serious about the nuclear negotiations."[8] Instead of getting tough with Iran, "We've decided to hamstring the Iranian opposition. We've put the Mujahedeen-e Khalq and, here in the United States, even the National Council of Resistance of Iran, on the terror list without any justification."[9]

Record of Parliamentary Votes

  • Voted against the directive on "establishing a framework for Community action in the field of water policy" (A5-0027/2000). The directive covers all water management aspects in order to achieve a 'good status' of all waters by 2015.[10]
  • Voted in favour of the directive on "national emission ceilings for certain atmospheric pollutants" (A5-0063/2000). The amendment allows setting less ambitious national emission ceilings for sulphur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), ammonia (NH3) and volatile organic compounds (VOC), which would result in more damage to human health and the environment.[11]
  • Voted in favour of the Commission White Paper on "Strategy for a future Chemicals Policy" (A5-0356/2001). The amendment helps avoid the necessary precautionary approach towards some chemical substances that are not proven to be completely safe.[12]
  • Voted in favour of the report on "Community guidelines for the development of the trans-European transport network" (A5-0135/2002). The Trans-European Network of Transport (TEN-T) is a network of so-called 'transport corridors' through Europe. This amendment calls for a full Strategic Environmental Assessment of these transport corridors and calls on the Commission to improve methods for analysing the environmental and economic impact of the TEN-T.[13]
  • Voted against the regulation concerning "traceability and labelling of genetically modified organisms and traceability of food and feed products produced from genetically modified organisms" (A5-0229/2002). The amendment allows customers the right to choose GM free food.[14]
  • Voted against the report towards a "thematic strategy on the sustainable use of pesticides" (A5-0061/2003). The amendment proposes to ban or severely restrict use of pesticides in areas around sources of drinking water and nature protected zones.[15]
  • Voted against the directive on "environmental liability with regard to the prevention and remedying of environmental damage" (A5-0145/2003). According to the amendment, polluters have to pay for environmental clean-up, and it supports an EU-wide regime which makes polluters liable for the damage they cause to wildlife, water and land.[16]
  • Voted against the directive on restructuring the "Community framework for the taxation of energy products and electricity" (A5-0302/2003). The amendment aims at giving tax benefits to environmentally friendly sources of energy, which would make them cheaper and more competitive to conventional (more polluting) sources of energy. It also gives tax benefits to environmentally friendly uses of energy for transport, for instance trains.[17] Rejected due to lack of absolute majority.

Personal Information

Curriculum Vitae

  • West of Scotland Agricultural College (1967-1972).
  • Dip.Ag. Honorary Doctor of Science, State Medical Academy, Semipalatinsk, Kazakhstan (2000).
  • Director, J. and R. Stevenson Ltd (farming and tourism business) (1968-2004).
  • Director, Demarco Gallery, Edinburgh (1986-1990).
  • Director, Saferworld (international foreign affairs and defence think-tank) (1992-1994).
  • Director, PS Public Affairs Consultants, Edinburgh and Belfast (1993-1999).
  • Chairman, Scottish Conservative Candidates Association (1992-1997).
  • Chairman, Arts and Heritage Committee (1992-1997).
  • Spokesman on the environment, transport, media and arts (1997-1998).
  • Chairman of the Tuesday Club (1998).
  • Member of the European Parliament (since 1999).
  • Vice-Chairman, Sustainable Development Intergroup (1999-2004).
  • Co-Chairman of EPIC (European Parliamentarians and Industrialists Council) (1999-2004).
  • Chairman of the Committee on Fisheries (2002-2004).
  • Board Member, Kangaroo Group (1999-2004).
  • Led campaigns to raise awareness of plight of victims of Soviet nuclear testing programme in Semipalatinsk, Kazakhstan (1999-2004).
  • Awarded Honorary Doctorate in Medicine - State Medical Academy Semipalatinsk (2000) and given Freedom of Semipalatinsk City in 2003, in recognition of this humanitarian work.
  • Won $50,000 in The John Templeton Foundation International Essay Competition for writing an article on the Victims of Soviet Nuclear Tests (2004) and gave prize to 'Mercy Corps Scotland - Aid International' to provide aid to Semipalatinsk.
  • Campaigned to ban the import of cat and dog fur products from China into the EU (since 1999).


Parlement européen
Bât. Altiero Spinelli
60, rue Wiertz / Wiertzstraat 60
B-1047 Bruxelles/Brussel
+32 (0)2 28 45710
+32 (0)2 28 49710
struan.stevenson AT europarl.europa.eu
EU Insigna.png This article is part of the MEPedia project of Spinwatch.



  1. European Parliament, MEP Directory: Struan Stevenson, accessed 05 December 2010.
  2. Larkins, Sarah, "Maliki Urged to Resist Pressure From Iranian Mullahs," 26 July 2006, accessed 08 February 2009.
  3. Stevenson was a client of Jennifer Symington of Indigo Strategic Communications. See next note for reference.
  4. Indigo Strategic Communications, CIPR Scotland Young Communicator of the Year, 2007, accessed 04 November 2009.
  5. European Parliament, MEP Directory: Struan Stevenson, accessed 05 December 2010.
  6. European Parliament, Declaration of Members' Financial Interests: Struan Stevenson, 16 June 2009, accessed 04 November 2009.
  7. European Parliament, Declaration of Members' Financial Interests: Struan Stevenson, 24 August 2008, accessed 08 February 2009.
  8. Newswire, Unnamed article, 27 July 2006], cited in Noblesse Oblige, Iran Manufacturing IED’s used in Iraq; factories," 27 July 2006, accessed 08 February 2009.
  9. Larkins, Sarah, "Maliki Urged to Resist Pressure From Iranian Mullahs," 27 July 2006, accessed 08 February 2009.
  10. Friends of the Earth, EU Vote Watch, accessed 02 February 2009.
  11. Friends of the Earth, EU Vote Watch, accessed 02 February 2009.
  12. Friends of the Earth, EU Vote Watch, accessed 02 February 2009.
  13. Friends of the Earth, EU Vote Watch, accessed 02 February 2009.
  14. Friends of the Earth, EU Vote Watch, accessed 02 February 2009.
  15. Friends of the Earth, EU Vote Watch, accessed 02 February 2009.
  16. Friends of the Earth, EU Vote Watch, accessed 02 February 2009.
  17. Friends of the Earth, EU Vote Watch, accessed 02 February 2009.