Zeinab Badawi

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11 October 2004 The Prime Minister has appointed Zeinab Badawi as a Trustee of the National Portrait Gallery for a term of four years from 11 October 2004.
Biographical Notes
Zeinab Badawi joined Yorkshire TV in 1982 as a researcher and reporter, was co-anchor of Channel 4 News, and has worked extensively abroad as a reporter in Africa, the Middle East and Europe. She is currently working for the BBC in radio and television. Zeinab Badawi is Chair of the Africa Medical Partnership, AfriMed; a board member of the British Council; a trustee of the BBC World Service Trust; a member of the advisory board of the Centre for Contemporary British History; a member of the Public Diplomacy Strategy Board (FCO committee); and a Vice-President of the United Nations Association.
Zeinab Badawi holds no other public appointments and has not carried out any political activity in the last five years. [1]
