Working groups of the GMO Panel

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There are a number of active working groups of the GMO Panel, an expert panel of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). According to the EFSA website,

Working groups of the Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms are set up to develop draft scientific opinions on specific issues. They consist of EFSA scientists and external experts with the required specialisations, identified by consulting EFSA's expert database . All members are required to comply with EFSA's policy on Declarations of Interests.[1]

The working groups

Applications - Environment

Membership at 2012


Other invitees

Applications - Food and Feed

Membership at 2012


Applications - Molecular Characterisation

Membership at 2012


Genetically Modified Microorganisms

Membership at 2012


Guidance on environmental risk assessment of GM fishes

Membership at 2012


Other invitees

Guidance on environmental risk assessment of GM mammals and birds

Membership at 2012


Other invitees

Guidance on environmental risk assessment of GM insects

Membership at 2012


Other invitees

Joint GMO-BIOHAZ WG on Austrian safeguard clause for GM potato EH92-527-1

Membership at 2012

RA of plants developed through new techniques

Membership at 2012


Other invitees

Standing WG on PMEM reports

Membership at 2012



  1. EFSA, Working groups of the Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms, accessed 22 January 2013
  2. EFSA, GMO Applications-Environment, Declarations of Interests database, accessed 22 January 2013
  3. EFSA, GMO Applications-Food and Feed, Declarations of Interests database, accessed 22 January 2013
  4. EFSA, GMO Applications-Molecular Characterisation, Declarations of Interests database, accessed 22 January 2013
  5. EFSA, GMO Genetically Modified Microorganisms, Declarations of Interests database, accessed 22 January 2013
  6. EFSA, GMO Guidance on environmental risk assessment of GM fishes, Declarations of Interests database, accessed 22 January 2013
  7. EFSA, GMO Guidance on environmental risk assessment of GM mammals and birds, Declarations of Interests database, accessed 22 January 2013
  8. EFSA, GMO Guidance on environmental risk assessment of GM insects, Declarations of Interests database, accessed 22 January 2013
  9. EFSA, Meeting minutes - Updated 19 October 2011, Joint GMO-BIOHAZ WG on Austrian safeguard clause for GM potato EH92-527-1, accessed 22 January 2013
  10. EFSA, GMO RA of plants developed through new techniques, Declarations of Interests database, accessed 22 January 2013
  11. EFSA, GMO Standing WG on PMEM reports, Declarations of Interests database, accessed 22 January 2013

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