White House Writers Group

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The White House Writers Group (WHWG) was founded in 1993 by 'five former White House speechwriters', many colleagues from the George H.W. Bush Administration. [1][2]

The groups states that it 'is unapologetically pro-business and pro- markets'. It does this by drawing 'on an elite network of relationships with influencers and policy experts to move issues among policymakers, regulators and opinion leaders. WHWG also excels in simplifying these messages and driving them from grassroots to grasstops'.[3]

Media Transparency calls WHWG 'an umbrella firm of former ghostwriters for Republican presidents and bureaucrats now at the service of anyone willing to pay'.[4]

The Group

The Group describes itself as a 'strategic communications consulting company' that helps to develop 'communications strategy' and 'manage messages' and says that it is not just in the business of writing, but rather that it is in the 'business of winning.'


Firm members include:[5]

Managing Director

  • Clark S. Judge, managing director and former speech writer for Ronald Reagan.

Senior Directors

Anneke E. Green | G. Philip Hughes | Allan Golombek | Joshua Gilder former senior speechwriter for President Reagan[6] | Eileen Doherty - former White House aide to President Reagan. [7] | Daniel Oliver | Matthew Rees | Peter Robinson "Chief Speechwriter on the White House staff of Vice President Bush. A year-and-a-half later he became a speechwriter to President Reagan. Mr. Robinson served President Reagan for nearly five years, rising to become a Special Assistant to the President"; "helped to found the firm eight years ago, joining several other speechwriters from the Reagan and Bush administrations." [7][8]

Consulting Directors

Rupert Darwall | Mike Burita | Doug Badger | Rich Torrenzano | Edward A. Orgon | James Lee


Emily Cullum | Doug Gamble


Rick Eberstadt

Former staff

  • Mark K. Davis, former White House speechwriter, who "worked for President Bush in drafting a prime-time Joint Session of Congress address declaring America's determination to lead a world coalition against Saddam Hussein. He also worked for President Bush on the 'Europe Whole and Free' address at Mainz, then-West Germany, on liberating Eastern Europe from communism. ... At the Republican National Committee, Mr. Davis prepared speeches for the RNC Chairman and Cabinet members. In that capacity, he wrote several political speeches" for Ronald Reagan. [7]
  • Peggy Dooley, Director; former "chief speechwriter and Deputy Communications Director for Wisconsin Governor Tommy Thompson from 1991 to 1995, ... [former] researcher in the White House speechwriting office of President Bush, where she worked on the President's first State of the Union address, the President's address to a Joint Session of Congress following the Gulf War." [7]
  • Thomas F. Gibson, Senior Director; "Director of White House Public Affairs for President Ronald Reagan, and corporate executive at MCI." [7]
  • Dan McGroarty, "served as Special Assistant to President George H.W. Bush and Deputy Director of White House Speechwriting.[7]
  • Robert H. Bork, Jr.
  • Adam D'Luzansky.


The White House Writers Group boasts on its website about its tactics to influence policymakers. The WHWG website states, "WHWG works with prestigious groups to host dinners where clients can have candid conversations in intimate settings with the nation’s leading policymakers, opinion makers and other influentials."[9]

The WHWG also advertises that it helps big financial companies 'navigate compensation controversies,'[10] and lines up 'pundits and commentators' to aid clients.[11]


The Group does not disclose its clients, giving only anonymised case studies on its website. The list below is compiled from other sources.

  • Carlyle Group: May 19, 2003, The Carlyle Group launched its new website www.carlylegroup.com; WHWG was responsible for the website's 'content development work'. [12]
  • Force Protection, Inc., A Leading Supplier of Mine and Ballistic Protected Vehicles: April 19, 2004, 'Stearns Johnson, in partnership with The White House Writers Group, a Washington, D.C.-based public affairs firm, will handle a complete range of communications assignments for the company'.[13]
  • Hoover Institution: "Public Affairs generates the daily Hoover News Report, an in-house on-line summary of the publications by Hoover fellows with direct links to the articles. In addition, lists of experts willing to discuss and provide background to breaking news stories are distributed regularly to news media outlets around the world. Public Affairs also writes and publishes the Hoover Newsletter, on-line and in print, and distributes press releases to more than twenty thousand news outlets daily. ... With the assistance of the White House Writers Group in Washington, D.C., Public Affairs coordinates Hoover's op-ed program, which is considered among the best in its peer group. More than one thousand opinion pieces by Hoover scholars are placed in newspapers ever year. Public Affairs and the White House Writers Group work closely with the members of editorial boards throughout the country to accomplish this remarkable record." [14]
  • Philip Morris
  • R.J. Reynolds[15]

Contact details

1030 15th Street, 11th Floor, NW
Washington, DC 20005
Phone: (202)783-4600
Fax: (202)783-4601
Email: Info AT whwg.com
URL: whwg.com
Internet Archive: whwg.com

External links


Articles & Commentary


  1. Friedman Foundation, Dan McGroarty, organizational profile
  2. White House Writers Group, History
  3. WHWG About, accessed 26 August 2013
  4. Jerry Landay, The Apparat, Media Transparency, March 18, 2004, Retrieved from the Internet Archive of 23 December 2011 on 29 August 2013
  5. White House Writers Group, Principals, accessed 26 August 2013
  6. White House Writers Group, Joshua Gilder, accessed January 18, 2012
  7. Jump up to: 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 WHWG The Firm
  8. TW bookmartk Peter Robinson interview, retrieved from the Insternet Archive of 25 November 2002 on 27 August 2013
  9. White House Writers Group Policy Dinners, organizational website, accessed January 18, 2012
  10. White House Writers Group Practices/Finance Finance, accessed January 18, 2012
  11. White House Writers Group Public Affairs, accessed January 18, 2012
  12. Carlyle Group Carlyle Group Launches New Corporate Website, May 19, 2003 # 2003-14, retrieved from the Internet Archive of 13 June 2003 on 27 august 2013.
  13. Stearns Johnson FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Force Protection, Inc., A Leading Supplier of Mine and Ballistic Protected Vehicles -- Drafts Stearns Johnson for Public Relations Support SAN FRANCISCO, April 19, 2004, retrieved from the Internet Archive of 26 June 2006 on 27 August 2013.
  14. Hoover Institution Report 2004: Communications and outreach, accessed 27 August 2013.
  15. Judge CS, White House Writers Group Edited versions of first round speeches Memornadum. June 2, 1993. Philip Morris Bates No. 2022840536/0537