Wahied Wahdat-Hagh

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Wahied Wahdat-Hagh

Wahied Wahdat-Hagh (born 20 October 1957) is a German-Iranian neocon scholar based in Berlin. He is a senior fellow with the European Foundation for Democracy and was previously an approved expert listed by the London based neocon project Réalité EU. He is also an online contributor with the German conservative daily Die Welt.


Wahdat-Hagh's 2003 book subtitled The Rule of Political Islam as a Form of Totalitarianism

Wahdat-Hagh was born in Ludwigsburg, Germany on 20 October 1957. [1] According to a CV posted in January 2007 Wahdat-Hagh's parents were Iranian and he lived in Tehran for a number of years during his childhood. [2] The website of the European Foundation for Democracy however describes him as 'an Iranian scholar based in Germany', [3] and the first reference to Wahdat-Hagh on the newspaper database Lexis Nexis (in the German daily Frankfurter Rundschau on 1 April 2003), described him as an author and an Iranian exile. [4]

According to a CV posted in January 2007 Wahdat-Hagh 'holds degrees in political scientist and sociologist [sic]' and 'earned his doctorate at the Freie Universitat in Berlin'. [5] His PhD disseration which was published as a book in 2003 was titled: 'Die islamische Republik Iran: die Herrschaft des politischen Islam als eine Spielart des Totalitarismus' or 'The Islamic Republic of Iran: The Rule of Political Islam as a Form of Totalitarianism.'

Wahdat-Hagh was previously listed as an approved 'expert' on the neocon website Réalité EU where he was described as 'an expert on Iran terror, Basiji movement and the recruitment of European terror cells.'

According to his European Foundation for Democracy 'he writes regular columns in the German media addressing the threat of Iran as well as violations of human rights and minority rights. He is also consulted on a regular basis by media and policy-makers.' [6]

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Screenbrab of REALITE-EU - Expert Sources, from the Internet Archive of 23 January 2007, Captured on 8 April 2010


European Foundation for Democracy
Réalité EU, former 'Expert Source'


  1. Welt Online, Debatte > Autoren > Wahied Wahdat-Hagh, accessed 9 July 2009
  2. Internet Archive, REALITE-EU - Expert Sources, 23 January 2007
  3. European Foundation for Democracy, The Team, EFD Website, Accessed 03-June-2009
  4. Von Rolf Paasch, 'Balanceakt auf der "Achse des Bösen"', Frankfurter Rundschau, 1 April 2003
  5. Internet Archive, REALITE-EU - Expert Sources, 23 January 2007
  6. European Foundation for Democracy, The Team, EFD Website, Accessed 03-June-2009