Vigilant Technology

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Vigilant describes itself as 'a leading provider of intelligent IP based digital video/audio solutions for high-end CCTV security and surveillance markets'[1]. The company is incorporated in Israel[2] and was founded in 1999 by Yoram Segir and Adi Pinhas[3].

The vast majority of Vigilants turnover is generated through exports, which includes to the USA, UK, France, Spain, Italy, Greece, South Africa and Argentina[4]. The company reports contracts with airports, banks, casinos, hospitals, prisons, schools and universities, town centres (for example Hackney and Reading) and shopping centres. In 2007 its portfolio included a security contract 'at one of Jerusalem's boroughs'[5].

In 2007 in one press release alone, Vigilant announced 'new' contracts worth US$1.8million[6].

In July 2008, it was announced that BATM Advanced Communications had made an offer to purchase Vigilant. Vigilant's Board of Directors have recommended the agreement of the purchase and it is expected that Vigilant will run as a wholly-owned subsidiary of BATM[7].


Trevor Chinn - Chairman. In 2006, Chinn purchased 800,000 ordinary shares of NIS 0.01 each in the Company ('Ordinary Shares') at 10p per share. The report continued that 'Chinn is now interested in 2,805,810 Ordinary Shares, representing approximately 4.97% of the issued share capital of the Company'[8].

Vigilant's Directors (as listed in 2005) also included[9]...

'Person's interested in 3% or more of the insurer's capital' for 2005 are listed as[10]...


In 2006, Vigilant Technology announced continuing collaboration in the form of a non-exclusive OEM agreement with Pelco in the US[11]

Public Relations


Vigilant Technology Ltd. 34 Habarzel Street, Tel Aviv 69710 Israel. +972 3 6491110[14]

Vigilant Technology Inc. 45 Main Street, Suit #309, Brooklyn, NY 11201. 800 7080169[15]

Vigilant Technology UK Ltd. Dowding House, Wellington Road, Cressex Business Park, High Wycombe, Bucks, HP12 3PS. +44 1494 514600[16]


  1. Vigilant Technology Corporate Overview Accessed 26th July 2008
  2. Company News Feed formerly Regulatory News Service. 'AIM - Sch 1 Update - Vigilant Techn'. 15th December 2005
  3. Globes [online] - Israel's Business Arena. 'Vigilant Technology valued at £24.3m for AIM IPO; The security and surveillance technology company will issue 23,255,814 shares at £0.43 each'. 19th December 2005
  4. Company News Feed formerly Regulatory News Service. 'AIM - Sch 1 Update - Vigilant Techn'. 15th December 2005
  5. Vigilant Technology. 'Vigilant Technology wins new contracts worth US$1.8 million' Accessed 31st July 2008
  6. Vigilant Technology. 'Vigilant Technology wins new contracts worth US$1.8 million' Accessed 31st July 2008
  7. Vigilant Technology 'BATM Makes Offer to Purchase Vigilant Technology'. 8th July 2008. Accessed 31st July 2008
  8. Company News Feed formerly Regulatory News Service 'Vigilant Technology - Director/PDMR Shareholding'. 17th October 2006
  9. Company News Feed formerly Regulatory News Service 'AIM - Sch 1 Update - Vigilant Techn'. 15th December 2005
  10. Company News Feed formerly Regulatory News Service 'AIM - Sch 1 Update - Vigilant Techn'. 15th December 2005
  11. Company News Feed formerly Regulatory News Service. 'Vigilant Technology - AGM Statement'. 25th May 2006
  12. Vigilant Technology. 'Vigilant Technology wins new contracts worth US$1.8 million' Accessed 31st July 2008
  13. Vigilant Technology 'Vigilant Technology announces three new contracts worth over US$1 million' 25th July 2006. Accessed 31st July 2008
  14. Vigilant Technology. 'Vigilant Technology wins new contracts worth US$1.8 million' Accessed 31st July 2008
  15. Vigilant Technology. 'Vigilant Technology wins new contracts worth US$1.8 million' Accessed 31st July 2008
  16. Vigilant Technology. 'Vigilant Technology wins new contracts worth US$1.8 million' Accessed 31st July 2008