User talk:Fraser Stewart

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just a tip on the referencing: The number or name of a reference eg ref|1 or ref|Web is what links it to the fotnote at the bottom eg note|1 or note|web. The hash key is only to give a number sequence to the notes at the bottom.

Also, try and use proper referencing - so the Cross party group document should include an author (the Group?) the title of the meeting or minute, the date of the minute or meeting, and any other details on the document like code numbers etc. the URL should be used in combination with the title fo the document eg and note the single space between the end of the URL and the beginning of the title - [url Minutes of the 3rd meeting on 1 March 2005], published 10 March 2005, SP/"/5?6, accessed 1 May 2006.

--David 15:25, 9 Feb 2007 (GMT)