Tomas Klvana

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Tomas Klvana is a former journalist and the Czech government’s single-issue spokesman on the country’s involvement in the U.S. plan for an anti-missile shield in Central Europe[1]. He is a founding member of the Czech Euro-Atlantic Council and a fellow at Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government who specialized in media analysis and communications, international relations and foreign policy. Klvana temporarily relinquished consultancy work for British American Tobacco to avoid conflicts of interest while promoting the U.S. anti-missile shield plan[2].

Career History

  • (2007) Czech government spokesman on the U.S.-sponsored anti-missile program
  • (2003) Press secretary and policy adviser to President Vaclav Klaus
  • (2001-03) Deputy editor-in-chief, Hospodarske noviny
  • (2000-01) Senior international affairs commentator, Mladá fronta dnes
  • (1997–00) Visiting professor, University of Southern Maine [3].


Democracy and Security International Conference, Attendee [4]| British American Tobacco | Hospodarske noviny | Mladá fronta dnes


  1. Czech Business Weekly, Klvaňa ducks incoming missiles, Accessed 28-February-2009
  2. Czech Business Weekly, Klvaňa ducks incoming missiles, Accessed 28-February-2009
  3. Czech Business Weekly, Klvaňa ducks incoming missiles, Accessed 28-February-2009
  4. Democracy and Security International Conference, List of Participants, Accessed 25-February-2009