Tobacco Manufacturers' Association

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Tobacco Manufacturers' Association is a lobby group that represents three tobacco companies: BAT, Gallaher and Imperial Tobacco. One of its offshoots, the Tobacco Retailers' Association (TRA), was in involved in the Save Our Shops astroturf campaign to lobby against government restrictions on the promotion of cigarettes in shops.[1]


Tim Lord, CEO | Chris Ogden, Director of Trade and Industry Affairs | Bob Fenton, Security Liason Manager | Gill Silverman, Media and Information Manager | Ian Howell, Statistics and Systems manager[2]

Jaine Chisholm Caunt - secretary-general from 10 October 2011 [3]


Tobacco Manufacturers’ Association
5th Floor, Burwood House
14-16 Caxton Street
London SW1H 0ZB
Tel: 020 7544 0100


  1. Jamie Doward, MPs fall foul of 'dirty' tricks by tobacco giants, The Guardian, 14 December 2008
  2. TMA, Briefing January 2007, Tobacco Manufacturers Association, January 2007, Accessed 11-February-2011
  3. People Moves, Public Affairs News, acc 24 October 2011