Tina Ruggiero

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Tina Ruggiero is a blogger for Burson Marsteller working in the area of food and obesity.

Burson-Marsteller announced that Tina Ruggiero, MS, RD, and veteran marketing communications professional, has joined the Chicago office of the global public relations and public affairs firm as a Director in its U.S. Brand Marketing Practice. With more than ten years counseling global brands and executing award-winning campaigns, Ms. Ruggiero contributes a wealth of experience to her new role.
"We are thrilled to have Tina Ruggiero join an outstanding team of brand marketing professionals," said Linda Recupero, chair of Burson-Marsteller's Brand Marketing Practice. "Tina's unique food and beverage expertise will be a valuable asset in serving our diverse client base."
In her new role, Ms. Ruggiero will leverage her marketing and communications background to provide account leadership and generate additional business opportunities. A New York native, Ms. Ruggiero will be based in Burson-Marsteller's Chicago office and report to Ms. Recupero. Ms. Ruggiero's brand-building experience includes communications counseling for top-tier companies such as Nestle, Unilever and Mars, Inc. For the past year, Ms. Ruggiero owned and managed Nutrition Dialogue, a private practice where she championed integrated marketing campaigns and forged strategic, co-operative partnerships. Prior to this position, Ms. Ruggiero was vice-president of the Marketing Communications Practice at Hill & Knowlton in New York...
Early in her career, Ruggiero worked as a freelance journalist and contributed to consumer and trade publications. She worked with The New York Times, Men's Health and The Cleveland Plain-Dealer. Ruggiero, an honors graduate of New York University, received her Master's Degree from Case Western Reserve University and her R.D. from the University Hospitals of Cleveland. She is also a member of the American Dietetic Association and the International Association of Culinary Professionals.[1].


  1. PR Newswire Ruggiero last accessed 4th October 2007