The Whitehouse Consultancy Ltd, UK Staff and clients Sep 07-Nov 07
Address(es) in UK
The Whitehouse Consultancy Ltd The Whitehouse Suite Southbank House Black Prince Road London SE1 7SJ
Tel: 020 7463 0692
Fax: 020 7463 0691
Contact Chris Whitehouse
Offices outside UK
Staff (employed and freelance) providing consultancy services 1.09.07 to 30.11.07
Chris Whitehouse David Hare Anna Laukkanen Camilla Horwood
Richard Robinson Kris Verlé Mette Kahlin Paula Pohja
Katie McDowell Gary Jones Lucy Craig
Fee-Paying clients for whom UK consultancy services provided 1.09.07 to 30.11.07
- Ajinomoto Inc.
- Assura Group (formerly The Medical Property Investment Fund)
- Brokerbility Ltd
- Cambridge Health and Weight Plan
- CLF Distribution
- Coloplast Ltd
- Consumers for Health Choice
- EAS UK Ltd (Sports Nutrition)
- Field Studies Council
- Get it 4
- Health Food Manufacturers’ Association
- Healthnotes Inc
- Holland and Barrett Group Ltd
- ICAAS (International Council on Amino Acid Science)
- I Can
- LexiaUK Ltd
- Lighterlife
- Maximuscle Ltd
- Slimming World
- Spinal Injuries Association
- TOAST (The Obesity Awareness and Solutions Trust)
- Vitabiotics Ltd
- Volunteer Reading Help
- LIFT LOBI (Local Improvement Finance Trusts Liaison Organisation for Business Investors) (supported by Accent Partnerships, Community Solutions for Primary Care, Eric Wright Group, Babcock and Brown, Guildhouse Investment Management, Infracare Partnering, Assura Group/The Medical Property Investment Fund, Ryhurst, Sapphire Primary Care Developments, Sewell Group, Primary Plus, the Fulcrum Group, Investors in the Community/Land Securities Trillium, Equity Solutions and Galliford Try).
- The Urology Trade Association (including Jade-Euro Med, Coloplast Ltd, DBT Medical Ltd, Bard Ltd, Astra Tech Ltd, LJL Healthcare Ltd, Beambridge Medical, Rochester Medical Ltd, Manfred Sauer, Hunter Urology Ltd, Unomedical Ltd, Great Bear Healthcare Ltd)
- The Joint Epilepsy Council (comprising Brainwave, the Irish Epilepsy Association, David Lewis Centre, Enlighten, Epilepsy Action, Epilepsy Bereaved, Epilepsy Connections, Epilepsy Research Foundation, Epilepsy Scotland, Epilepsy Specialist Nurses Association, Epilepsy Wales, Epilepsy West Lothian, Gravesend Epilepsy Network, Gwent Epilepsy Group, International League Against Epilepsy UK, Meath Trust, Mersey Regional Epilepsy Association, National Centre for Young People with Epilepsy,
National Society for Epilepsy, Quarriers, St Elizabeth’s Centre, Scottish Epilepsy Initiative).
- The UK and EU Very Low Calorie Diet Industry Groups (supported by Lighterlife and Cambridge Health and Weight Plan and other distributors around Europe)
- The European Specialist Sports Nutrition Alliance (Supported by Garnell Corporation Ltd, Weider
Publishing Ltd, CLF Distribution, Maximuscle Ltd, Twinlab Corporation, Tropicana Health and Fitness, The Health Food Manufacturers’ Association, EAS International, MET RX/Holland and Barrett, Reflex Nutrition, CNP (UK) Ltd, Carbery, Weider Germany Gmbh, Natrol UK Ltd, USN Sports Brands Europe Ltd, Volac, and the European Health Product Manufacturers’ Association)
- The Communication Trust (in association with ICan, Afasic, The Department for Children Schools and Families, British Telecom’s “BT Better World Campaign”, and the Council for Disabled Children).
- Westminster Forum Projects Ltd including:
- The Westminster Food & Nutrition Forum (in association with Nutricia and Sanofi Aventis)
- The Westminster Health Forum (in association with Denplan)
- The Westminster Media Forum (in association with The BBC, Clifford Chance, KPMG, Virgin Media, ISBA - The Incorporated Society of British Advertisers, Whitehead Mann and Ofcom)
- The Westminster eForum (in association with BT, Arqiva, 3 and the Institute of Engineering and Technology)
- The Westminster Education Forum (in association with Capita Children’s Services, Balfour Beatty, Promethean and Microsoft)
- The Nappy Alliance (Babykind, Bambino Mio, Cotton Bottoms, Green Baby, Little Green Earthlets, Modern Baby, Nature Babies, Onelife World, Perfectly Happy People, The Nappy Lady, Tots Bots, Twinkle Twinkle, Zorbit)
- Campaign Against Unfair and Illegal Competition from the Channel Islands (Health Food Manufacturers’ Association and others)
- The All-Party Parliamentary Media Group (supported by the BBC, ITV, Channel 4, Time Warner, Disney Channel, BSkyB and Arqiva, and with briefing breakfasts funded by Ofcom)
Fee-Paying Clients for whom only UK monitoring services provided 1.09.07 to 30.11.07