Tesco Plc: Links, contacts & resources
Campaign resources
'Breaking the Armlock' is a new alliance of 14 farming, environmental and consumer organisations calling for stricter controls over the major supermarkets' trading practices, particularly to stop them passing on unreasonable costs and demands to farmers and growers in the UK and overseas. The Alliance says that supermarket power should be regulated by an independent watchdog with real teeth, supported by a legally binding Code of Practice.
Please ask your MP to sign Early Day Motion 817 Supermarket Code of Practice in support of the demands of the 'Breaking the Armlock' Alliance. http://www.breakingthearmlock.com/
Further reading
'Not on the Label' by Felicity Lawrence. Penguin books. 2004.
'Shopped! The Shocking Power of British Supermarkets by Joanna Blythman. Fourth Estate. 2004
'A Rough Guide the UK Farming Crisis' by Kathryn Tulip and Lucy Michaels. 2004. Hard copies available from Corporate Watch or the Corporate Watch website.
'Captive State: The Corporate Takeover of Britain' by George Monbiot. Macmillan 2000. His website www.monbiot.com also has a section of articles about supermarkets.
'Supermarkets: The naked truth' The Ecologist Special Edition. September 2004. Includes excerpts from 'Not on the Label' and 'Shopped'.
'Pile it High Sell it Cheap: The Authorised biography of Sir John Cohen founder of Tesco' by Maurice Corina. Weidenfeld & Nicolson 1978
Links to Corporate Watch articles on Tesco
'The Great Local Food Scam', Corporate Watch Newsletter Issue 3, May/June 2001. http://www.corporatewatch.org.uk/newsletter/issue3/nl3lfs.html
'20 000 Jobs Created, thousands of livelihoods destroyed' News updates 21/9/01 http://www.corporatewatch.org.uk/news/Tesco_jobs.html
'Sold Out! Government gives in to supermarkets on Code Of Practice', News Updates 9/11/01, http://www.corporatewatch.org.uk/news/supermarket_code.html
Every Little Hurts – Tesco on trial at its AGM 13th June 2003 http://www.corporatewatch.org.uk/news/tescoAGM_2003.htm
Other resources
For a 'No. I haven’t got a f**king loyalty card!' t-shirt - Log on to www.fatlooby.com. £14.99 plus £2 postage.
To make your own 'Tesco Value Farmer: £2.90 per hour' T-shirt. Have a look at the FARM website – http://www.farm.org.uk
UK consumers against the pervasive use of RFID tags in UK society www.notags.co.uk/page4.html
Corporate Watch knows of many groups campaigning against Tesco developments/extensions and post office closures around the country. Please get in touch if you need support for your campaign.