Talk:Lynda Chalker

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I've been comparing this to my 'original' and we're losing a couple of things here:

MerchantBridge as Lead Advisor to the Iraqi Ministry of Industry and Minerals for their Lease of Industrial Factories Programme are looking for quantities of Ready Mixed Concrete and I put this alongside the fact that Chalker is a member of the international advisory board of Lafarge et Cie — following the acquisition of Blue Circle, Lafarge became the world's leading cement producer.

from my point of view there's no point in me spending ages finding these things out and then placing them together to become a spectator — try asking me why i put things the way i put them with changes like this. Otherwise it acts as a disincentive to do it in the first place. No I know how it goes — the chances are it was me who removed this and I've forgotten: if it wasn't me could someone explain the thinking behind it becase it looks like Careless Tinkering henceforth: CT.

Also I thought i good to have the bit on MerchantBridge (that's how they spell it) which outlined Chalker's old pals in this bit:

The merchant bank Merchant Bridge and Co. Ltd describes itself as 'the bridge between the Middle-east and the World Financial Markets', its senior advisors include Chalker, Lord Lamont (British-Iranian Chamber of Commerce, Benador Associates[76] Chairman of Le Cercle), Lord Denman (Consolidated Goldfields and The Research Institute for the Study of Conflict and Terrorism) [77] and Andrew Buxton [78] the former chairman of Barclays Bank. [79]

A general point here — I think what i do is to try to present connections and correspondences, linkages as a whole, as it where and there is a danger that everything becomes sectioned off for no real reason other than to create the illusion of some imaginary detached (authoritive) voice: thus the direction of things get lost — the venal nature of a lot of this: i.e an overseas development minister running a goldmine, to my mind needs some sort of value judgement.