Talk:Dennis Stevenson

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I have a good big chunk on Manpower

He was on Demos from the start and part of their initial advisory boad line-up although Tim Pendry doesn't seem to know where he came from — which is odd.

Geraldine Bedell Independent on Sunday 24/1/93 says Stevenson on original advisory board — — Tim Pendry's lobster article also says he was orig. ad. bo. (note Pearson also funding Demos) we must use pendry's stuff

I have a good chunk on Docklands particularly on Wapping (Stevenson was the community relations PR guy for Docklands and a short time after the wapping Plant was built and the battle ensued Stevenson joined BSkyB.

30 year rule?

Stevenson's activities on Independent Working Party may be available through public records Office now?? Anyone heard of Conrad Jameson Associates Limited? after v quick search

itle: A social research inquiry into the specification of old age homes Subtitle: preliminary findings. Corporate Author: (Prepared for) Cheshire County Council (by) Conrad Jameson Associates Ltd Publisher: Conrad Jameson Associates Ltd, London, 1972 Pagination: 42pp Year of Publication: 1972 Accession Number: CPA-930813135

More interesting is perhaps this paper in Warwick archives (Clive Jenkins papers)

MSS.79/6/CJ/1/9 Miscellaneous. Includes report on Labour Party membership by Conrad Jameson Associates (1968), draft and unreferenced submissions of evidence, statistics for Finance Panel report, letter to Political Education Panel from David Owen, MP, regarding interim report. 1968 December - 1980 June

and reference to work undertaken for EIU

The impact of advertising on the British mass media -- Curran 3 (1 ... Preliminary research report (mimeo), Conrad Jameson Associates; Economist Intelligence Unit (1966). The National Newspaper Industry: A Survey, EIU , London ...

The photocopy I took of the journal article has a pic of Stevenson 'Youth at the Helm'. Might not scan very well but we can see how it looks

anyone heard of Hydra (set up by SRU in 87, works from same office in St. John st.) has Rodney Baker-Bates

also here's Lancelot Patrick Wilkinson;recurse=1 King's College was stevensons camb. college and he's mentioned here - wilkinson worked for bletchley