Steven Bevan

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Stephen Bevan is Director of Research at The Work Foundation. He is responsible for the delivery of a programme of both applied and frontier research on the world of work. With a multi-disciplinary team of researchers, he oversees a programme of over twenty studies each year, each designed to enhance the UK's evidence-base and to inform the climate of policy debate in the UK's Boardrooms and in Whitehall. His current research interests include; high performance workplaces, work well-being and productivity, the strategic role of reward, social and network capital in organisations and public service delivery.

Stephen spent almost twenty years as Associate Director at the Institute for Employment Studies and has been at The Work Foundation for three years. He has carried out research for the No.10 Policy Unit, The Prime Minister's Office for Public Services Reform, HM Customs & Excise, DTI, DfES, Inland Revenue, DEFRA, HM Treasury, DoH, DWP, the Cabinet Office, the LGA and the MoD. He has also worked for many 'blue-chip' employers and several research councils, charitable trusts and EU bodies. He sits on the Boards of The Work Foundation and of The School of Coaching. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and a Council Member of the HR Society. His publications include, The Ethical Employee, Smart Incentives, Attendance Management, Achieving High Performance: CSR at the Heart of Business, Workplace Trends Survey: 2004, Trade Union and Employee Involvement in Public Service Reform and Where's Daddy?: The UK Fathering Deficit.