Shell: Links, contacts & resources

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For more of Shell's corporate crimes see the Corporatewatch briefing: 100 years is enough:

More information on Shell's operations in Nigeria can be obtained from Delta:

Or from Environmental Rights Action, 214 Uselu-Lagos Rd. PO Box 10577, Benin City, Nigeria, Email:

Useful information on the company can be obtained from the (S)hell website:

Project Underground, 1847 Berkeley Way, Berkeley CA, 94703. Have looked extensively at many companies within the oil and gas sector, including Shell.

Tapol (Indonesian Human Rights Campaign) 8 Hop Gardens, London, WC2N 4EH 0207 497 5313. have information on Shell corporate crimes, relating to drilling in offshore Indonesia.

Alexanders Gas and Oil Connections carries regular news about Shell and other companies in the sector at: