Sanford Griffith

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Sanford Griffith (1893-1974) was a journalist and stockbroker.[1]

During World War Two, Griffith was a British Security Coordination agent, operating under the cover symbol G.112.[2]

A 10th July 1941 note on the organisation of SO.1, New York by Sydney Morrell, described G.112's role in SO.1 as follows:

G.112 arranges interviews with passengers on incoming ships for information on conditions in Europe which can be used by S.O.1. In addition his work consists of the following:-
(a) Spanish and Portuguese broadcasts.
(b) General liason work with Walter Lemmon, chief director of WRUL, regarding radio time for our broadcasts.
(c) Provides Key Texts and Notes of the Day for use by our other commentators, e.g. Arab , French, German, Czech, Polish.
(d) General Press Contacts, including Dorothy Thompson, Edgar Mowrer.[3]



  1. Thomas E. Mahl, Desperate Deception: British Covert Operations in the United States 1939-44, Brassey's, 1999, p.195.
  2. Thomas E. Mahl, Desperate Deception: British Covert Operations in the United States 1939-44, Brassey's, 1999, p.195.
  3. Piece titled S.O.1, New York Organisation Plan, July 10th 1941 in FO 898/103, National Archives.