Sajjad Karim
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Sajjad Karim (born 11 July 1970, Lancashire) is a British MEP for North West from Conservative and Unionist Party (since 2004).[1]
Parliamentary Affiliations
- Member:
- 20.07.2004 / 11.12.2007 : Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe
- 21.07.2004 / 14.01.2007 : Subcommittee on Human Rights
- 21.07.2004 / 14.01.2007 : Committee on International Trade
- 15.09.2004 / 13.03.2007 : Delegation for relations with the Gulf States, including Yemen
- 15.01.2007 / 30.01.2007 : Committee on International Trade
- 15.01.2007 / 30.01.2007 : Subcommittee on Human Rights
- 31.01.2007 / 13.07.2009 : Subcommittee on Human Rights
- 31.01.2007 / 16.01.2008 : Committee on International Trade
- 14.03.2007 / 13.07.2009 : Delegation for relations with the Gulf States, including Yemen
- 12.12.2007 / 13.07.2009 : Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) and European Democrats
- 17.01.2008 / 13.07.2009 : Committee on Employment and Social Affairs
- 14.07.2009 / ... : European Conservatives and Reformists
- 16.07.2009 / ... : Committee on Industry, Research and Energy
- 16.09.2009 / ... : Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union for the Mediterranean
- 16.09.2009 / ... : Delegation for relations with the Mashreq countries
- Substitute:
- 22.07.2004 / 14.01.2007 : Committee on Regional Development
- 30.07.2004 / 14.01.2007 : Committee on Foreign Affairs
- 15.09.2004 / 13.03.2007 : Delegation for relations with the countries of South Asia and the South Asia Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC)
- 19.01.2006 / 14.02.2007 : Temporary Committee on the alleged use of European countries by the CIA for the transport and illegal detention of prisoners
- 15.01.2007 / 30.01.2007 : Committee on Regional Development
- 15.01.2007 / 30.01.2007 : Committee on Foreign Affairs
- 17.01.2008 / 13.07.2009 : Committee on International Trade
- 17.01.2008 / 13.07.2009 : Committee on Legal Affairs
- 21.07.2009 / ... : Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs
- 16.09.2009 / ... : Delegation for relations with Canada
- 10.11.2009 / ... : Committee on Legal Affairs[2]
Record and Controversies
Declaration of Financial Interests
Professional Activities:
- Solicitor
Paid Functions or Activities:
- Partner, Sajjad Karim Solicitors[3]
Former Declaration of Financial Interests
Professional Activities:
- Solicitor of the Supreme Court of England and Wales
Paid Functions or Activities:
- Sajjad Karim Solicitors, Partner
Further Information:
- I am a member of the European Parliament Pension Scheme
- I am a member of the UK Parliamentary Pension Scheme[4]
Record of Parliamentary Votes
Date | Name of Document | MEPs Vote |
13.03.2012 | Should there be an obligatory quota of at least 40% (by 2020) of female representation in the management boards imposed on companies? | Abstain |
16.02.2012 | Should the European Parliament have a single seat (instead of two, Strasbourg and Brussels)? | Absent |
15.02.2012 | Should the Eurozone Member States pool their public debts by creating Eurobonds? | Didn't vote |
15.12.2011 | Should public access to EU documents be made easier? | For |
14.12.2011 | Should the EU have a stronger and united defence policy? | Against |
17.11.2011 | Should nuclear energy be phased out? | Against |
25.10.2011 | Should a global tax on carbon emissions be introduced? | Against |
28.09.2011 | Should the European Commission supervise the budgets and economic policies of the Member States and apply sanctions for non-compliance with EU-agreed rules on fiscal discipline? | Against |
05.07.2011 | Should the cultivation of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) in the EU be made more restrictive? | Didn't vote |
20.10.2010 | Should the minimum length of the maternity leave on full pay be extended from 14 to 20 weeks? | Against |
09.02.2010 | Should the proposed Barosso II Commission be appointed for the 2009-2014 term? | Absent |
Personal Information
Curriculum Vitae
- LLB (Hons.) (1993).
- Law Society Finals (1994).
- Solicitor in the Supreme Court of England and Wales (1994 - Present Day).
- Appointed member of the Law Society Equal Opportunities Committee (1994-2004).
- Councillor, Pendle Council (1994-2001).
- Chair, European Parliament Friends of Pakistan Group.
- Vice-Chair, European Parliament Equality and Diversity Intergroup.
- Vice-Chair, Local Government Association UK.
- Vice-Chair, European Parliament Friends of the Commonwealth Group.
- Member, European Parliament Friends of India Group.
- Member, European Parliament Friends of Bangladesh Group.
- European Parliament rapporteur on the free trade agreement with India.
- Address:
- Parlement européen
- Bât. Willy Brandt
- 04M107
- 60, rue Wiertz / Wiertzstraat 60
- B-1047 Bruxelles/Brussel
- Phone:
- +32 (0)2 28 45640
- Fax:
- +32 (0)2 28 49640
- Email:
- sajjad.karim AT
- Website:
- European Parliament, Declaration of Members' Financial Interests: Sajjad Karim, 13 January 2009, accessed 06 February 2009.
- European Parliament, Declaration of Members' Financial Interests: Sajjad Karim, 22 June 2009, accessed 03 November 2009.
- European Parliament, MEP Directory: Sajjad Karim, accessed 06 February 2009.
- European Parliament, MEP Directory: Sajjad Karim, accessed 27 November 2010.
- ↑ European Parliament, MEP Directory: Sajjad Karim, accessed 27 November 2010.
- ↑ European Parliament, MEP Directory: Sajjad Karim, accessed 27 November 2010.
- ↑ European Parliament, Declaration of Members' Financial Interests: Sajjad Karim, 22 June 2009, accessed 03 November 2009.
- ↑ European Parliament, Declaration of Members' Financial Interests: Sajjad Karim, 13 January 2009, accessed 06 February 2009.