Richard V. Allen

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Richard V. Allen: US National Security Council (NSC), appointed to the Pentagon's Defense Policy Board (DPB) Advisory Committee November 2001; Senior Fellow Hoover Institution 1983-present; Center for Strategic and International Studies Advisory Board; Project for the New American Century; Member Heritage Foundation; Council on Foreign Relations; The Nixon Center Advisory Council, International Crisis Group, Board of Trustees U.S. National Committee for Pacific Basin Economic Cooperation, Founding Member; German-American Tricentennial Foundation, Chairman; Republican National Committee, Senior Counselor; American Alternative Foundation, Board of Directors; Vice President U.S. Committee for Human Rights in North Korea; Board of Directors Freedom House; American Committee for Peace in the Caucasus; Senior Counselor for Foreign Policy and National Security; Republican Platform Committee Senior Policy Adviser in 1984, 1980, and 1976; Former Member, Advisory Council on National Security and International Affairs and Chairman of its Subcommittee on Intelligence; Committee on the Present Danger,

Allen has also seen government Service in the Defense Policy Board, 2001-present; the U.S. Congress, National Security Advisory Group and the Congressional Policy Advisory Board. In the Reagan Administration he was Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, 1981-1982; Chief Foreign and Defense Policy Adviser to Reagan Campaign, 1977-1980. In the Nixon Administration he was Deputy Assistant to the President for International Economic Affairs and Deputy Executive Director of the Council on International Economic Policy, 1971-1972; Member, President's Commission on International Trade and Investment Policy (Williams Commission), Early 1970s; National Security Council Senior Staff Member, 1968; Director of Foreign Policy Research for Nixon Presidential Campaign, 1968.

Richard V. Allen Company AEA International Trade and Management Consultants: Former Chairman, Mid-1990s, Credit International Bank: Chairman, 1988-1991, Allen also works as a financial consultant Potomac International Corporation: Cofounder and President, 1972-1980.

According to Right Web [1]:

"Allen came into possession of a $1,000 gratuity paid in cash from a Japanese magazine, intended for Nancy Reagan in exchange for an interview she had given, which money he placed in a White House safe and then reportedly forgot. Also, it was belatedly discovered that around the same time, Allen had accepted three expensive watches as personal gifts from Japanese friends who were high-level governmental consultants. As a result of these disclosures, Allen was forced to leave his NSC post in early 1982.”

Allen is also part of the Washington, D.C. staff of global communication consultancy APCO [2] and is cited by the Council of Public Relations Firms [3] as part of their team who are:

"... well positioned to help identify contract opportunities, navigate the complex award process both in Washington and in Baghdad, and position clients with major contracting parties and the U.S. government's key appointees in Baghdad."

Allen is also a Counsellor of Layalina Productions, Inc. (a US public diplomacy operation) which produces "informative and entertaining Arabic-language programming for licensing to satellite and cable television networks throughout the Arab Middle East and North Africa."[4] Fellow members are a Who's Who of US political luminaries such as James A. Baker, III, Samuel R. Berger, Lawrence S. Eagleburger, Henry A. Kissinger, Sam Nunn, George P. Shultz. Given what these men have been involved in over the past decades, Layalina Productions has set itself the challenging goal of addressing "the negative stereotypes about the United States by providing Arabic-speaking television viewers with programming that is honest, positive, and entertaining." President George H.W. Bush is Honorary Chairman of the Board.


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