Ray Godson

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Raymond (Ray) Godson, aged 60, is responsible for managing the accounting and administrative activities of the Falcon oil Company in the UK. Since 1993, Mr Godson has been a practising chartered accountant, concentrating on providing commercial and financial advice to small international oil companies. He has recently been actively involved in the development of three such companies. Prior to this, he was with the Rio Tinto group for sixteen years, initially specialising in oil taxation and subsequently becoming Financial and Commercial Director of the oil & gas subsidiary. After the sale of RTZ Oil & Gas Limited to Elf in 1988, he joined Teredo Petroleum PLC ("Teredo") in a similar role and became Managing Director in 1992.[1]

Ray Godson Company Secretary, age 62 Mr. Godson joined Aurelian on its formation in 2002. He established his own chartered accountancy practice in 1993, which was focused on providing commercial and financial advice to small international oil companies. Prior to this, he was with the Rio Tinto group for 16 years, initially specialising in oil taxation and subsequently becoming financial and commercial director of the oil and gas subsidiary, RTZ Oil & Gas Limited. After the company’s sale to Elf Aquitaine in 1988, he joined Teredo Petroleum plc in a similar role and became managing director in 1992.[2]



  1. Falcon Oil Ray Godson, biographical note, accessed 27 November 2007
  2. Fox Davies Aurelian research Report, accesssed 27 November 2007