Radicalisation Awareness Network

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Working groups

RAN is structured around thematic working groups, driven by a Steering Committee (SC) chaired by the Commission. The SC includes the leaders of the working groups and the CoE. There are ten RAN Working Groups:

  • Communication and Narratives working group (RAN C&N) Focuses on the delivery of both on- and offline communication that offers alternatives or that counters extremist propaganda and/or challenges extremist ideas.
  • Education working group (RAN EDU) Bringing together first-line education practitioners throughout Europe to empower them to counter radicalisation. Schools have the objective to provide a safe and respectful environment for their students. It is part of their role to teach democratic and social values, and to help students form their identity.
  • EXIT working group (RAN EXIT) Dealing with the process of moving from a radicalised and violent mindset and/or environment towards mainstream society.
  • Youth, Families and Communities working group (RAN YF&C) Engaging with and empowering youth, communities and families to support the prevention of radicalisation leading to violent extremism.
  • Local authorities working group (RAN LOCAL) Involves local authorities who are in charge of coordinating practitioners at their local level and organising their multi-agency work and structures.
  • Prison and Probation working group (RAN P&P) Supports practitioners in the prison and probation sector who have a role in preventing radicalisation.
  • Police and law enforcement working group (RAN POL) Supports police and other law enforcement officials who are responsible for community related police work.
  • Remembrance of Victims of Terrorism working group (RAN RVT) Victims of terrorism (both targets of attacks and those who have lost a relative) are involuntary experts on the harm that violent extremism causes to humankind. Victims will be remembered and their voices broadcast to counter radicalisation.
  • Health and Social Care working group (RAN H&SC) The key challenge for the health and social care sector is to interpret signs of radicalisation and help those individuals who might be at risk of being radicalised.
  • RAN Steering Committee The RAN Steering Committee is chaired by the European Commission and includes all working group leaders and the Centre of Excellence. The Steering Committee usually meets four times a year.
  • RAN YOUNG Young people can provide a valuable contribution to the prevention of radicalisation and violent extremism, and should be empowered to take an active role in doing so.

