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Perhaps because of the logistical difficulties, UK VNR makers have been quick to take advantage of new technologies like the web. To grab the attention of news editors, Quadrant Broadcast, which was set up three years ago as part of the already established agency Quadrant Media and Communications, used to distribute a diary of upcoming events and releases, as well as faxing and calling them nearer the time. Now editors are alerted through e-mails to the presence of a web page - either set up specially for the client or on Quadrant’s home site - where they can find scripts, sometimes in several languages, lists of what footage the VNR contains, and duration times for particular shots.[1]
COMMUNICATIONS company Quadrant is now sponsoring the Welsh National Opera. Under the three-year pounds 100,000 deal, the Cardiff-based firm will support a number of WNO per-formances. The sponsorship deal expands on Quadrant's long-standing relationship with the WNO, which was the company's broadcast division's first client when it was set up in 1996.Quadrant currently produces video news releases on three WNO operas each season, which are dis-tributed to TV stations in the UK and overseas. These contain a mix of performance clips and backstage interviews.
Bill Jenkins, Quadrant's senior partner, said: "This is the first major sponsorship programme that Quad-rant has embarked on and we're delighted to be associated with such a world class touring opera company." Lucy Stout, the WNO's director of development, was equally pleased. She said: "Quadrant has earned an enviable reputation for its expertise."[2]

Website: http://www.quadrant.uk.com/


  1. FOCUS: BROADCAST PR - Transatlantic crossing - UK broadcast PROs are learning from their US counterparts. by JULIETTE GARSIDE PR Week UK 28-Apr-00
  2. POUNDS 100,000 SPONSORSHIP DEAL MADE South Wales Echo March 19, 2001, Tuesday. SECTION: BUSINESS; Pg. 25