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PubAffairs is the network for public affairs practitioners, established in January 2002. Members are from all the sectors concerned with government relations and lobbying: trade associations, political consultancies, companies, NGOs and charities, civil service, Houses of Parliament, recruitment consultancies, law firms, education, the media and other public affairs related groups. PubAffairs numbers over 1400 Members.


  • Phil Murphy Phil joined the Construction Confederation as Director of European Affairs in April 2005. Prior to this he spent four years at the Advertising Association where he was Head of European Public Affairs. Phil worked in Brussels between Sept '98 and Feb '01; has a MA (Hons) in History/Economic History from Aberdeen University; and a PgDip in European Policy, Law and Management from the Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen.
  • Pauliina Hakulinen Pauliina joined the public policy and regulation department of Lloyds TSB after working at a public affairs consultancy for three years, where she divided her time between the London and Brussels offices, specialising in EU public affairs and financial services. Pauliina has a BA (Hons) in European Studies with French from the University of Manchester. During her studies, she also spent a year working in two of the Directorates General of the European Commission.
  • Andrew Escott Andrew has worked at APCO UK since summer 2001 and specialises in two main areas: Health and the Creative Industries. Prior to joining APCO Andrew completed internships with Public Affairs Consultancies in Edinburgh, London and Brussels. In his final year at University Andrew worked in the Scottish Parliament for the Labour Party Resource Centre, the Information Unit for Scottish Labour Ministers and MSPs. Andrew has an MA in Politics and International Relations from Aberdeen University.
  • John O'Maoileoin Health Foundation John has a BA (Hons) in Politics from the University of Liverpool where he stayed on to complete an MA in European Union Politics. In 2000 John was a Stagiaire at the Press and Communications Office of the European Commission in Dublin which he followed with a three-month placement at the BBC's research department. Until October 2004 he worked at the British Dental Association in their corporate affairs department. He currently works at The Health Foundation as their public affairs adviser.
  • Josephine Spiller Josephine is the Public Affairs Manager for Edexcel, part of Pearson plc. Before joining Edexcel she was the Corporate Relations Manager for the Royal Mail and previous to this she worked in journalism and as a political consultant at PR agencies, Weber Shandwick and Hill and Knowlton. She has a BSc in politics, a MSc in media and communications and is currently completing a doctorate in political communications at the London School of Economics.
  • Zoe Walker Zoe works at the Tobacco Manufacturer' Association, the trade association representing tobacco companies within the UK, managing with their parliamentary and communications activities. Previously, Zoe worked as a political consultant at GCI Political Counsel specialising in defence, technology and the creative industries. She also worked at Westminster Strategy, a public affairs consultancy, for three years. Zoe has a BSc Hons (Econ) International Relations and a MSc (Econ) in Strategic Studies from the University of Wales, Aberystwyth.
  • Richard Wiltshire Following a degree in International Studies at the University of Leeds and 18 months travelling, Richard worked for several years at the investment bank Goldman Sachs. In December 2000 he moved to Connect Public Affairs where he specialised in London politics and campaigns for the non-profit sector. After four enjoyable years at Connect he moved to the Mayor's Office thereby fulfilling one of his professional ambitions.
  • Dan Fox Labour Friends of Israel Following a degree in politics and international relations, Dan worked for senior Labour Party figures before joining one of the UK's best-known public affairs consultancies in 1997. He also spent two years in their Brussels office and was seconded in-house for a year to a major venture capital firm. In June 2003, he joined the Engineering and Technology Board, overseeing their lobbying activity and policy development. He is currently Political Director of Labour Friends of Israel, an organisation which seeks to improve UK-Israeli relations by defining, developing and building supporters and allies to the case for a safe and secure Israel in a peaceful and stable Middle East.
