Project Empowerment

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Project Empowerment Website 12-August-2007, Web Archive

Project Empowerment (PE) was a 'not-for-profit organization' set up in August 2003 in partnership with Libertarian International[1] in order 'to promote awareness of the fundamental advantages of free markets by highlighting the marketplace – not as the preserve of multinationals and financiers – but as the core arena for all individuals and businesses to flourish'.[2] The organisation was part of the Stockholm Network[3] of libertarian think tanks and it had a particular focus on 'free market activities', 'in the fields of education, healthcare and other activities not widely associated with private enterprise'. They argued against the 'debilitating effects of bureaucracy' and sought to 'illustrate how over-regulation provides an incentive for corruption'.[4]

PE was one of the UK members of the Stockholm Network. As of May 2010 the PE website appears to be defunct, the last archived version of the site is from April 2008.[5] All archived versions of the PE website, between 23-August-2003 and 18-April-2008, have a warning that the "website is under construction", this suggests that the project didn't get started.[6]


According to the earliest available version of the PE website the organisation had an 'immediate objective', which was 'to achieve a circulation of more than 200,000 journalists, economists, media researchers, teachers and other opinion shapers'.[7]

According to the Project Empowerment profile on the organisation focuses on the following policy areas:

  • Culture, community, and demographic change
  • Terrorism
  • International trade and financial institutions
  • Religion and public life
  • Economics of development
  • Justice/crime[8]


Project Empowerment director Christian Michel describes how being a member of the Atlas Network was beneficial in order to help gain corporate donations, he said:

'In addition to the funds,this grant represents a sealof approval from arenowned institute. We have already mentioned your endorsement to a key corporate donor, and they indicated it will be a major factor in our favor in their final decision. We’re convinced that support from Atlas will also open manydoors for us in the future.Once again, many thanks[for Atlas’s] commitment to helping launch intellectual entrepreneurs.'[9]


Christian Michel, President | Amanda Oliver


Stockholm Network


Project Empowerment,
13 Rugby Street,
London WC1N 3QT


  1. Vrijheidsnieuws, Vrijheid Werkt! Freedom Works!, Vrijheidsnieuws, 21-August-2003, Accessed 06-May-2010
  2. Project Empowerment, Project Empowerment Homepage, Project Empowerment, 23-August-2003, Accessed via Web Archive 06-May-2010
  3. Stockholm Network, Annual Report 2006-07, ISSU, Accessed 20-April-2010
  4. Project Empowerment, Project Empowerment Homepage, Project Empowerment, 23-August-2003, Accessed via Web Archive 06-May-2010
  5. Project Empowerment, Project Empowerment Homepage, Project Empowerment, 18-April-2008, Accessed via web archive 06-May-2010
  6. Project Empowerment, Project Empowerment web archive, Project Empowerment, Site accessed via web archive 06-May-2010
  7. Project Empowerment, Project Empowerment Homepage, Project Empowerment, 23-August-2003, Accessed via Web Archive 06-May-2010
  8., Project Empowerment Profile, Policy Experts, Accessed 06-May-2010
  9. Christian Michel, Atlas Year in Review 2004, The Atlas Network, Accessed 06-May-2010