Political Warfare Timeline 1950
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Notes towards a chronology of the modern history of covert action with particular reference to the role of the Lovestoneite movement.
- Proposal for the Congress for Cultural Freedom (CCF) reaches Frank Wisner's desk.
- Wisner approves CCF proposal.
- NSC-68 memorandum, written largely by Paul Nitze.[1]
- 26 Berlin Congress for Cultural Freedom opens.[2]
- Radio Free Europe begins broadcasting from Germany.
- Conant and others close to the NSC-68 drafting process began discussions about a 'citizens lobby' along the lines of the Committee to Defend America by Aiding the Allies.[3]
- 'Citizens's lobby' proposal took further shape at a 'private citizens conference' in late September attended by some 50 key figures from the worlds of business, academia and the media. [4]
October Bedell Smith accepts job as head of CIA
- 'Citizens lobby' plan receives Secretary of State George Marshall's blessing.[5]
- Congress for Cultural Freedom established with a permanent steering committee.[6]
- 24 - David Dubinsky and Jay Lovestone estimate the CIA's contribution to the Free Trade Union Committee for the year to date at $200,000.[7]
- 12 Conant, Vannevar Bush and Tracy Vorhees, announce the formation of the Committee on the Present Danger (CPD).[8]
- 13 Truman meets congressional leaders to seek additional defence funds.[9]
- ↑ Jerry W. Sanders, Peddlers of Crisis, South End Press, 1983, pp.23-34.
- ↑ Frances Stonor Saunders, Who Paid the Piper, Granta Books, 2000, p.75.
- ↑ Jerry W. Sanders, Peddlers of Crisis, South End Press, 1983, p.61.
- ↑ Jerry W. Sanders, Peddlers of Crisis, South End Press, 1983, p.65.
- ↑ Jerry W. Sanders, Peddlers of Crisis, South End Press, 1983, p.67.
- ↑ Frances Stonor Saunders, Who Paid the Piper, Granta Books, 2000, p.88.
- ↑ *Robert D. Parmet, The Master of Seventh Avenue: David Dubinsky and the American Labor Movement, NYU Press, 2005, p.235.
- ↑ Jerry W. Sanders, Peddlers of Crisis, South End Press, 1983, pp.54-55.
- ↑ Jerry W. Sanders, Peddlers of Crisis, South End Press, 1983, pp.54-55.