Pfizer Forum

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The Pfizer Forum is a series of advertorials written under the banner Pfizer Forum Europe that appear in the Financial Times and the Economist for US pharmaceutical company Pfizer. Helen Disney the founder of the Stockholm Network worked with the Pfizer Forum.[1] The advertorials have been organised by PR firm Citigate Dewe Rogerson since 1995, Pfizer media director John Ferguson describes setting up the arrangement:

We had to work hard to get their co-operation.

He went on to say:

Our brief was to create a good environment in Europe for Pfizer’s products and our aim is to provide an open forum and favourable atmosphere by placing advertorials in influential journals.

The advertorials are always positioned on the leader page in the FT and on alternate weeks opposite the Europe section in the Economist.[2]


Pfizer | Economist | Financial Times


  1. Helen Disney, Links, Helen Disney personal website 14-December-2002, Accessed via web archive 26-April-2010
  2. Nick Purdom, FOCUS: ADVERTORIALS; Securing write of way from editors, PR Week, 3-May-1996, Accessed 27-May-2010