Pacific Nuclear Transport Limited

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Pacific Nuclear Transport Limited (PNTL) calls itself "the world’s most experienced shipper of nuclear cargoes". [1]

Company Structure

PNTL operates as a subsidiary company of British Nuclear Group Sellafield Ltd. Its fleet is managed by James Fisher and Sons plc of Barrow, England. It is owned by British Nuclear Group Sellafield Ltd., Areva and Japanese nuclear companies. [2]

PNTL has three purpose-built ships: Pacific Teal; Pacific Sandpiper and Pacific Pintail. [3]

Over 30 years, PNTL has carried some 170 nuclear shipments, including:

  • Used commercial nuclear fuel from Japan to ports in the UK and France
  • High-level waste from France to Japan
  • Mixed oxide (MOX) fuel from the UK and France to Japan (see BNFL page for details)
  • Plutonium dioxide from the United States to Europe [4]

Website run by PR Company

In March 2005, PNTL announced it was setting up its own website, created by Capital Idea Ventures, Inc, a Washington DC.-based web development company, in association with public relations advisors Butterfield Carter and Associates. [5]


  1. Pacific Nuclear Transport Limited, website
  2. Pacific Nuclear Transport Limited, website
  3. Pacific Nuclear Transport Limited, website
  4. Pacific Nuclear Transport Limited, website
  5. Pacific Nuclear Transport Limited Launches Website, Press Release, 30 March, 2005.