Office for Foreign Relations and Information (ÚZSI)

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The Office for Foreign Relations and Information (Úřad pro zahraniční styky a informace; UZSI) is the foreign intelligence service of the Czech Republic.[1]

The UZSI forms part of an intelligence framework established at the time of the break -up of Czechoslovakia:

On 1 January 1993, the Office for Foreign Relations and Information of the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic become the foreign intelligence service of the independent Czech Republic. It was a successor organisation of the Office of Foreign Relations and Information of the Federal Ministry of the Interior. The foreign intelligence service using the current name Office of Foreign Relations and Information (UZSI) become an independent institution on 30 July, 1994 by Act No. 153/1994 Coll. on intelligence services of the Czech Republic.[2]



Directors of the foreign intelligence service of the ČSFR


  1. Who We Are, Office of Foreign Relations and Information, accessed 12 July 2010.
  2. Our History, Office of Foreign Relations and Information, accessed 12 July 2010.
  3. Our History, Office of Foreign Relations and Information, accessed 12 July 2010.
  4. Our History, Office of Foreign Relations and Information, accessed 12 July 2010.