Ocean Security Institute

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The Ocean Secutiry Initiative is mentioned on the biographical page of Rear Admiral Richard Cobbold at RUSI. Cobold is said to be a Senior policy adviser. There seems to be no other mention of the OSI on the web apart from the following. This appears to be because the organisation is really called the Ocean Security Initiative:

Ocean security in the Caribbean The Ocean Security Institute, a Washington-based NGO, recently held its International Conference on Ocean Security in the Wider Caribbean, Corpus Christi, Texas, 10-12 February, 2007. The conference thematic areas were:

  • Natural Hazards - Monitoring and Ocean Early Warning Systems
  • Environmental security – GEF projects in the Wider Caribbean
  • Maritime and Port Security- role of the defense community
  • Economic Security - Trade, Energy and Development of Sustainable Tourism in the Wider Caribbean

Following technical sessions, recommendations were taken forward to ministerial sessions involving several members of congress and ministers from Wider Caribbean countries. Professor Robin Mahon took part in the round table on environmental security where he spoke on the role of the Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem Project in promoting good governance for transboundary living marine resources