Nick Sinclair-Brown

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Nick Sinclair-Brown (4 November 1949 - 23 March 2006) was an Academic Advisor of the Cambridge Security Programme (CSP) (2002-2006) and Project Director of PFI Research Project. He was also Fellow and Vice-President of Hughes Hall, University of Cambridge, Fellow of the Cambridge Lauterpacht Research Centre of International Law, a member of the Law Faculty and lecturer at the University of Cambridge Centre for International Relations.

Sinclair-Brown completed a research project for CSP on new ways of 'Financing Infrastructure Development', which was sponsored by the Commonwealth Secretariat and resulted in a paper presented in Brunei in September 2003.


Sinclair-Brown's publications include papers and articles on the prospects for democracy in Nigeria, general principles of international regulatory design, and a range of articles and papers on the international politics and regulation of such topics as corruption, terrorism and counter terrorism, arms and dual use export controls, and conservation of, trade in, endangered species. He was commissioned to provide a chapter on a critical analysis of the International Law Commission proposals on State Responsibility, and also a book on International Regulation of Biotechnology (in collaboration with Dr. Catherine Varifs and Dr. Clifford Collis). [1]


  1. 'Nick Sinclair-Brown', Cambridge Security Programme website, accessed 30 April, 2009.