Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency
The MHRA is an Executive Agency of the Department of Health the UK government department.
Biographical Information
Current activities
The Department of Health ministers are appointed by the Prime Minister to take forward health and social care policy. The Secretary of State for Health is a member of the Cabinet. He or she has overall responsibility for the Department and heads the ministerial team. Junior ministers, ministers of state and parliamentary under-secretaries, support the Secretary of State and are also responsible for particular areas of the Department's policies. The Lords Minister handles the Department's business in the House of Lords.
The Department of Health ministers whose responsibilities include the MHRA are:
Secretary of State for Health - Rt Hon Alan Johnson MP since June 2007.
Minister of State for Public Health - Dawn Primarolo MP since July 2007.
The Agency Board is primarily responsible for advising on the strategic development of the MHRA and ensuring that targets set out in their Business Plan and endorsed by Ministers are met. It consists of not more than 12 individuals and will be chaired by the Agency Chairman. Non-executive members are appointed by the Secretary of State following open competition and do not represent any specific customer, sectoral or stakeholder interests. The Chief Executive, Operations and Finance Director, Policy Director, Communications Director and a member of SOL usually attend to inform the Agency Board on the Agency’s business. Other Executive Directors will attend when necessary. The Agency Board is chaired by the MHRA Chairman, and consists of seven non-executive directors and the Chief Executive Officer:
Chief Executive Officer
Professor Sir Alasdair Breckenridge CBE
Non-Executive Directors
Professor Barrington Furr OBE
Professor Vincent Lawton CBE
Professor Angus Mackay OBE
Other People
Alastair Jeffrey: Head of Enforcement from July 2013.[1]
10-2 Market Towers; 1 Nine Elms Lane; London; SW8 5NQ
020 7084 2000(weekdays 0900 -1700) 020 7210 3000(other times)