Mark Wakeford

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Mark Wakeford is a former Royal Navy man who has worked for G4S on projects in the UK, Australia, PNG, Thailand, Philippines and Singapore.[1]



  • From 2001 to March 2005 Wakeford was a Bid Director for G4S Care and Justice. He claims he "successfully led the G4S bid team over a 14 months competitive dialogue procurement process thereby doubling G4S UK market share and delivered 'best Home Office mobilisation ever'."
  • From April 2005 to March 2010 Wakeford was a Business Development director for G4S. He helped win a three year "£50m Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO) contract for armed static and VIP Close Protection services across Afghanistan". Wakeford says he "Bid, won and mobilised 3 years £14m management and operation contract from UK Immigration Service (UKBA) for Dungavel IRC in Scotland".
  • From April 2010 to March 2012 he was a Managing Director for G4S working on an alarm monitoring and security business.
  • From March 2012 to August 2013 he was a Business Development Director for G4S working on the outsourcing of Police Support Services "including Police Custody Operations and Secure Logistics", leading the Thames Valley Police custody outsourcing deal.


In 2009 Wakeford was a mobilisation director for G4S in Papua New Guinea and Australia, working on the "$AUSD240m contract with Australian Department of Immigration and Border Protection for the Manus Island Immigration Processing Centre in Papua New Guinea"


From 2013 to 2014 he was CEO of G4S in Bangkok, Thailand.


In 2014 Wakeford was Vice President of G4S in Manila, Philippines. He worked on a "Manned Guarding business with 5000 armed security and close protection officers providing services across the Philippines to customers in the Mining, Commercial and Oil & Gas sectors."


Since June 2014 Wakeford has been Managing Director of G4S in Singapore, working on" Manned Guarding, Electronic Security and Facilities Management". He claims to have "reduced severe customer financial penalties from poor operational service delivery and reversed previous three years losses into 2014 (3%) profit."


  1. 'Mark Wakeford', LinkedIn, accessed 30 June 2015