Mairead McGuinness

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Mairead McGuinness, MEP

Mairead McGuinness (born 13 June 1959, Drogheda) is an Irish MEP (2004- ) for East from Fine Gael.[1]


Parliamentary Affiliations

02.02.2006 / 19.06.2007 : Committee of Inquiry into the crisis of the Equitable Life Assurance Society
20.07.2004 / 13.07.2009 : Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) and European Democrats
21.07.2004 / 14.01.2007 : Committee on Petitions
21.07.2004 / 14.01.2007 : Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development
15.09.2004 / 31.12.2006 : Delegation to the EU-Romania Joint Parliamentary Committee
19.01.2006 / 01.02.2006 : Committee of Inquiry into the crisis of the Equitable Life Assurance Society
15.01.2007 / 30.01.2007 : Committee on Petitions
15.01.2007 / 30.01.2007 : Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development
31.01.2007 / 13.07.2009 : Committee on Petitions
31.01.2007 / 13.07.2009 : Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development
15.03.2007 / 13.07.2009 : Delegation for relations with India
14.07.2009 / ... : Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)
16.07.2009 / ... : Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development
16.07.2009 / 06.10.2009 : Committee on Petitions
16.09.2009 / ... : Delegation for relations with Australia and New Zealand
22.07.2004 / 14.01.2007 : Committee on Budgets
16.09.2004 / 13.03.2007 : Delegation for relations with Australia and New Zealand
15.01.2007 / 30.01.2007 : Committee on Budgets
31.01.2007 / 13.07.2009 : Committee on Budgets
14.03.2007 / 13.07.2009 : Delegation for relations with Australia and New Zealand
19.06.2007 / 13.07.2009 : Delegation to the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly
16.07.2009 / ... : Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety
16.09.2009 / ... : Delegation for relations with the People's Republic of China
07.10.2009 / ... : Committee on Petitions
17.06.2010 / ... : Special committee on the policy challenges and budgetary resources for a sustainable European Union after 2013[2]

Record and Controversies

Declaration of Financial Interests

Record of Parliamentary Votes

  • Abstained from voting the Data Retention Directive.
  • Voted in favour of the EU Lisbon Reform Treaty.

Personal Information

Curriculum Vitae

  • B.Agr.Sc.(Econ.), Agricultural Economics (1980).
  • Diploma in Accounting and Finance (1984).
  • Worked as a radio researcher/producer and national broadcaster with RTE (1980); then as a reporter.
  • News reporter with the Irish Farmers Journal (1985); then agricultural producer with LMFM (local radio station).
  • Presenter and agriculture editor, RTE TV (1993); agriculture editor, The Irish Independent (1997).
  • Chairperson, Guild of Agricultural Journalists (1986).


Parlement européen
Bât. Altiero Spinelli
60, rue Wiertz / Wiertzstraat 60
B-1047 Bruxelles/Brussel
+32 (0)2 28 45214
+32 (0)2 28 49214
mairead.mcguinness AT
EU Insigna.png This article is part of the MEPedia project of Spinwatch.



  1. European Parliament, MEP Directory: Mairead McGuinness], accessed 30 January 2009.
  2. European Parliament, MEP Directory: Mairead McGuinness, accessed 01 December 2010.
  3. European Parliament, [[Declaration of Members' Financial Interests: Mairead McGuinness], 09 December 2008, accessed 30 January 2009.
  4. European Parliament, Declaration of Members' Financial Interests: Mairead McGuinness], 23 June 2009, accessed 15 October 2009.