Fondazione Magna Carta

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The Fondazione Magna Carta (Magna Carta Foundation) is an Italian think-tank with close links to US neoconservatives.[1]

Meeting for Transatlantic Relations

The meeting for transatlantic relations is co-organised by the Fondazione Magna Carta and the American Enterprise Institute. President Gaetano Quagliariello describes the meeting as his foundation's "main institutional event"[2]. The 2008 meeting in Washington was hosted by Italian defence contractor Finmeccanica"[3]. Quagliarirello describes the American Enterprise Institute as "one of the oldest and most prestigious think-tanks in Washington, the landmark of the neo-conservative school of thought"[4].

Political Outlook

The political outlook of the Foundation is summed up by Gaetano Quagarello:

"We stand united in the name of a special bond between Europe and the U.S., and between the West and Israel; we are willing to resort to military intervention in order to defend and promote democracy, to fight the threat of international terrorism and to maintain security in the world. We believe on strict limitations to be imposed upon the dialogue with terrorist groups and their supporters, and we assert the need of a strong opposition against Iran and its nuclear ambitions. We are against unconditional acceptance of U.N. rhetoric, and we believe that all Europeanisms should be divested of their ideological meaning""[5].

June 2007 conference

On June 8 2007, the Foundation co-sponsored a conference on Italian-American relations at the Palazzo Corsini along with the American Enterprise Institute, ahead of a visit to Rome by George W. Bush.[6] American attendees included John Bolton, Gary Schmitt, Reuel Marc Gerecht, John Yoo, Bruce Jackson and Jeffrey Gedmin. Italians included Sergio Vento, Alfredo Mantovano, Alberto Indelicato, Carlo Jean, Mario Sechi, Carlo Panella, Stefano Silvestri, and Lorenzo Cremonesi [7]


Board of Directors

Board of Auditors



  1. Gaetano Quagliariello, New Transatlantic Relations 2008, Fondazione Magna Carta, Accessed 24-April-2009
  2. Gaetano Quagliariello, New Transatlantic Relations 2008, Fondazione Magna Carta, Accessed 24-April-2009
  3. Gaetano Quagliariello, New Transatlantic Relations 2008, Fondazione Magna Carta, Accessed 24-April-2009
  4. Gaetano Quagliariello, New Transatlantic Relations 2008, Fondazione Magna Carta, Accessed 24-April-2009
  5. Gaetano Quagliariello, New Transatlantic Relations 2008, Fondazione Magna Carta, Accessed 24-April-2009
  6. An Agenda For Bush's Italian Visit: Letter from Rome, by Judy Harris, ZNet, 9 June 2007.
  7. I neocon a Roma con Magna Carta, L'Occidentale, 1 June 2007