Louis Harris International

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Humphrey Taylor, the Chairman of the Harris Poll founded the company in Britain in 1966. It conducted all of the private political polling for the Conservative Party and it was an advisor to Prime Minister Edward Heath and, subsequently, to Margaret Thatcher. Taylor also conducted surveys for most of the largest British companies. In 1970, his company was acquired by Louis Harris & Associates. In 1976, he moved to New York as Chief Operating Officer of Louis Harris & Associates. He was appointed President in 1981, C.E.O. in 1992 and Chairman in 1994 [1] [2].

Louis Harris International were owned by Gannett Co., Inc, a nationwide news and information company that publishes 92 daily newspapers, including USA TODAY, and USA WEEKEND, a newspaper magazine. Gannett also has entertainment programming, operates 15 television stations, 13 radio stations, cable television systems in five states, alarm security services and the largest outdoor advertising company in North America [3].



  1. ^ Medem Website Corporate Leadership Last Accessed 18th June 2007
  2. ^ Raffique Shah 9th November 2000 Stealing elections Last Accessed 18th June 2007
  3. ^ Gannett Website Press release Last Accessed 18th June 2007