Laurence Robertson

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Laurence Robertson has been the UK Conservative Party MP for Tewkesbury since 1997.


Robertson has served as: Opposition Whip (Commons) 2001-03, Shadow Minister (Trade and Industry) 2003-03, Shadow Minister (Treasury) 2003-05, Shadow Minister (Northern Ireland) 2005-10.[1]

In the 2015 general election, Robertson was re-elected with a majority of 21,972. [2]

Outside parliamentary earnings

In 2010 Robertson declared consultancy work for Westminster Parliamentary Research. The MPs' secretaries register of interests shows that he later sponsored the firm's owner Jennifer Bryant-Pearson for a parliamentary pass.

Guido Fawkes reported in March 2016 that:

Robertson has been paid £10,000-a-year since 2013 for his position on the board of Veolia Environmental Services. Veolia are one of the main clients of JBP Public Relations, the lobbying company run by Bryant-Pearson. So not only did the pass-carrying lobbyist employ Robertson, her major client still does. Crucially, Robertson sponsored Bryant-Pearson for a pass while he was in the pay of her client. Robertson tells Guido:
“Ms Bryant-Pearson carried out work supporting All Party Groups, secretarial duties, publicity, arranging and attending meetings and translation services.”
Lobbyists were banned from having parliamentary passes through work on APPGs in 2013. Yet Robertson gave Bryant-Pearson a pass until 2015. Guido has asked Robertson if he denies this is a case of cash-for-access, and what “secretarial duties” this chief executive of a lobbying company carried out. He has yet to reply…



  1. Mr Laurence Robertson,, accessed 25 November 2013.
  2. Laurence Robertson, accessed 12 November 2015
  3. Nigeria APPG,, accessed 19 November 2015